Board minutes for 22 March 2019
Meeting details
William Penn Suite,Friends House,
173 – 177 Euston Road,
10.15 – 14.00
- Louise Baxter (LB)
- David Forrest (DF)
- Anna van der Gaag (AG)
- Ian Gilmore (IG)
- Hermine Graham (HG)
- Chris Kelly (CK) (Chair)
- Rachel Lampard (RL)
- Simon Tanner (ST)
- Heather Wardle (HW)
In attendance:
- Marc Etches (ME)
- Helen Rhodes (HR)
Staff names other than the Leadership Team have been redacted.
Actions and status
Minutes and actions
Apologies and declarations of interest
CK welcomed Board members to the meeting. There were no declarations of interest.
Minutes and matters arising from 17 January 2019: RGSB 19 02 (01)
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and there were no matters arising. All actions from the previous meeting were in progress or complete.
Introductions and Horizon Scanning
This meeting was the last with CK as chair. The Board thanked him for the skill and commitment he has brought to this role and wished him well for his future work.
On horizon scanning, HW highlighted concerns about young people’s exposure to gambling like activities online. The Board recognised the need to focus on this issue in future discussions.
Consider young people’s exposure to gambling-like activities online in future work on this area of harm minimisation.
Progress report and discussion on National Strategy for Reducing Gambling Harms: RGSB 19 02 (02)
CK introduced the topic. The first half of the meeting was a closed discussion with Board member and Commission staff only to discuss the latest draft of the National Strategy for Reducing Gambling Harms. ME joined the second half of this item, which focused on how the strategy should be implemented and how future progress is monitored.
Closed session: 4th National Lottery Licence Competition: RGSB 19 02 (03)
Board were joined by colleagues from the 4NLC team to discuss safer gambling issues related to this area of work. Due to the commercial sensitivities related to this topic, the discussion was held as a closed session.
Any other business
The Board thanked CK for his work as chair of RGSB and wished him good luck in his future work. CK thanked the Board for their support during his time as chair.
Safer Gambling Team: Update Report: RGSB 19 02 (04)
This paper was provided for information only and was not discussed.
GambleAware: Update Report: RGSB 19 02 (05)
This paper was provided for information only and was not discussed.