Board minutes for 20 November 2018
Meeting details
Elizabeth Fry Suite,Friends House,
173-177 Euston Road,
10.15 – 14.00
- David Forrest (DF)
- Ian Gilmore (IG)
- Hermine Graham (HG)
- Chris Kelly (CK) (Chair)
- Rachel Lampard (RL)
- Simon Tanner (ST)
- Heather Wardle (HW)
In attendance:
- Marc Etches (ME)
- Helen Rhodes (HR)
Staff names other than the Leadership Team have been redacted.
Actions and status
Minutes and actions
Apologies and declarations of interest
CK welcomed Board members to the meeting.
Minutes and matters arising from 19 September 2018: RGSB 18 06 (01)
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and there were no matters arising. All actions from the previous meeting were in progress or complete.
Strategy 2019-2022: RGSB advice on the next National Strategy: RGSB 18 06 (02)
(REDACTED) introduced the topic. The purpose of this item was to allow the Board to review and comment on the current draft of RGSB’s advice for the Commission on the successor to the National Responsible Gambling Strategy. Board discussed the key topics covered by the advice and identified points which could be made more effectively. The limitations of problem gambling prevalence rates were discussed in detail. The draft advice is a working document which will be developed further to reflect Board feedback.
Board to send comments on the current draft of RGSB’s advice paper to (REDACTED).
Discussion on Assurance Statements: RGSB 18 06 (03)
(REDACTED) introduced the topic and gave a brief summary on the purpose of the Assurance Statements. The purpose of this item was for Board to provide their views on the contents or the assurance statements, particularly the questions about operators and licensees’ activities on safer gambling and harm minimisation.
Any other business / horizon scanning
Board agreed horizon scanning would be discussed at the start of future Board meetings to ensure it gets covered.
Safer Gambling Team: update report: RGSB 18 06 (04)
This paper was provided for information only and was not discussed.
Update from GambleAware: RGSB 18 06 (05)
This paper was provided for information only and was not discussed. ME told the Board that GambleAware’s campaign is launching next week which aims to challenge views on the relationship between betting and football.