Board minutes for 19 September 2018
Meeting details
Elizabeth Fry suite,Friends House,
173-177 Euston Road,
10.15 – 14.00
- David Forrest (DF)
- Ian Gilmore (IG)
- Hermine Graham (HG)
- Chris Kelly (CK) (Chair)
- Rachel Lampard (RL)
- Simon Tanner (ST)
- Heather Wardle (HW)
In attendance:
- Marc Etches (ME)
- Helen Rhodes (HR)
Staff names other than the Leadership Team have been redacted.
Actions and status
Minutes and actions
Apologies and declarations of interest
CK welcomed Board members to the meeting. There were no apologies. CK noted that the new Research Programme had been published and that recruitment was under way for a new Chair.
Minutes and matters arising from 17 July 2018: RGSB 18 05 (01)
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and there were no matters arising. All actions from the previous meeting were in progress or complete.
Strategy 2016-2019: Mid-year assessment of progress: RGSB 18 05 (02)
(REDACTED) introduced the topic. The purpose of this item was to take stock of progress now that we are half way through the final year of the current Strategy. Board had a detailed discussion about whether the interim assessments were an accurate appraisal, if there was any activity they were aware of that may have been overlooked, and of any issues this assessment raised for them in the final six months of the Strategy and for the final Progress Report.
It was agreed that the table would be updated to reflect the discussion in preparation for the Advisory Group meeting in October.
(REDACTED) to amend the paper to reflect the comments from Board.
To add a standing item on ‘Horizon scanning’ to future Board agendas.
Strategy 2019-2022: Formulating RGSB’s advice: RGSB 18 05 (03)
The purpose of this item was for Board to begin to formulate its advice for the Commission on developing the successor to the current National Responsible Gambling Strategy. Board discussed the objectives of a successor Strategy based on the progresses and limitations of the current Strategy. The Board agreed that the overarching aim of the new Strategy should be to reduce gambling-related harms.
(REDACTED) to produce a structure for the advice for Board to agree.
Draft RGSB advice note on preventive education: RGSB 18 05 (04)
The purpose of this item was to get a steer from Board on a very early draft of an advice note on preventive education and information which draws upon the discussion at the Board’s ‘deep dive’ session and the email exchanges that followed. The final version of the advice note will be used by the Gambling Commission to inform a review of the role of preventive education and information in the reduction of gambling-related harms. The Board made some suggestions to the structure and content of the draft advice which would be updated and circulated for further comment.
(REDACTED) to update the draft advice note on preventive education and circulate for further comments.
Any other business
There were no additional items for discussion.
Safer Gambling Team: update report: RGSB 18 05 (06)
This paper was provided for information only and was not discussed.
Update from GambleAware: RGSB 18 05 (07)
This paper was provided for information only and was not discussed.