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Board minutes for 17 January 2019

Meeting details


Radisson Blu Edwardian Grafton,


09.00 – 16.00


  • Louise Baxter (LB)
  • David Forrest (DF)
  • Anna van der Gaag (AG)
  • Ian Gilmore (IG)
  • Hermine Graham (HG)
  • Chris Kelly (CK) (Chair)
  • Simon Tanner (ST)
  • Heather Wardle (HW)

In attendance:

  • Marc Etches (ME)
  • Helen Rhodes (HR)

Staff names other than the Leadership Team have been redacted.


  • Rachel Lampard (RL)

Actions and status

Minutes and actions

Apologies and declarations of interest

CK welcomed Board members to the meeting and extended a special welcome to new Board appointment Louise Baxter. Apologies were noted from Rachel Lampard. There were no declarations of interest. Board were informed that Simon Tanner has been reappointed for another year until a suitable replacement is found to support the Board’s work on public health.

Minutes and matters arising from 20 November 2018: RGSB 19 01 (01)

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and there were no matters arising. All actions from the previous meeting were in progress or complete.

Introductions and Horizon Scanning

CK set the scene for the meeting and reflected on the discussion over dinner the previous evening, noting RGSB’s role as the Commission’s advisors and what support would be most useful as it implements its new strategy.

Part A: Discussion on RGSB Advice: RGSB 19 01 (02)

CK introduced the topic. The purpose of this item was to allow the Board to review and comment on the current draft of RGSB’s advice for the Commission on the successor to the National Responsible Gambling Strategy. Board discussed the key points to build on and which points could be made more effectively. The Board agreed that the advice paper needed to be clear and precise in how it defines those suffering harms, what they look like, and others affected by someone else’s gambling. The draft advice is a working document which will be developed further to reflect Board feedback.


HW to reframe the section on prevention to be more in line with a public health approach.

RGSB Advice: Marketing and Advertising: RGSB 19 01 (02)

Board were joined by two external speakers for this agenda item. CK introduced Dr Philip Newall from University of Warwick and Dr Nathan Critchlow from University of Stirling (Institute of Social Marketing) who joined this section to discuss their research findings on gambling advertising and marketing. Board discussed the impact of gambling advertising on gamblers, non-gamblers and vulnerable people.


Board to reflect on the section in the draft advice about exposure to marketing and advertising.

RGSB Advice - continued: RGSB 19 01 (02)

Board continued to comment on the current draft of RGSB’s advice, agreeing where amendments were required.

Concluding remarks

CK offered his reflections on the day and thanked members for their engagement throughout the meeting and contribution to the discussions.

Any other business

There were no additional items for discussion.

Part B: Ways of working / lessons learnt (closed session): RGSB 19 01 (03)

This was a closed session for Board members only.

Safer Gambling Team: Update Report: RGSB 19 (04)

This paper was provided for information only and was not discussed.

GambleAware: Update Report: RGSB 19 (05)

This paper was provided for information only and was not discussed.

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