The role and impact of safer gambling messages and interventions
Safer gambling messages and interventions can appear in numerous ways through the path to play, but there are certain elements that are more prominent at key moments from the gamblers’ perspective.
Gamblers’ interaction with safer gambling messages and interventions
Passive influences
Safer gambling messages are seen frequently, but gamblers consider them to have minimal impact on reducing gambling.
Active search
Having spending limits already in place, and the ability to track spend have very little impact on operator choice. Setting limits in particular is currently under-utilised (only 7% of gamblers claimed to use a limit on their account) despite many going into the session with a budget in mind, suggesting more could be done to prompt and encourage people to set digital limits.
Play experience
Very few see information on safer gambling from operators – primarily because most don’t notice any information rather than safer gambling being under-represented.
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Path to play: next steps
Last updated: 31 May 2022
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