Revisions and corrections policy
1. Summary
- The document provides an overview of how we handle revisions and corrections within our Official Statistics.
2. Revisions to Official Statistics
Sometimes it may be necessary to revise certain statistics when further information becomes available or data systems change. This may lead to previously released statistics being replaced by more complete or updated data.
Where this happens, statistics will be communicated in an orderly manner as soon as is practicable, in a transparent way.
The Gambling Commission will ensure to revise and re-issue the relevant publications, including the re-released date of the publication, and an explanation as to why the publication has been updated. The superseded version of the publication will also remain present on our website and will be clearly labelled as superseded.
3. Corrections to Official Statistics
Errors that occur within released statistics are often genuine mistakes. Unfortunately from time to time, despite our best efforts, mistakes can happen. In these instances, corrections are announced, made in a timely manner and explained clearly to users in line with the Code of Practice for Statistics.
The Code of Practice for Statistics requires all statistics producers to ensure users of the statistics are made aware of the scale, nature and cause of the error and its likely impact. This should be communicated in an orderly manner as soon as is practicable, in a transparent way.
The Gambling Commission will ensure that where errors and corrections have occurred, users will be made aware of the errors and their impact as soon as is reasonably practicable, alongside a clear reason as to why the errors have occurred.
The Gambling Commission will ensure to re-issue the relevant publications including the re-released date of the publication and an explanation as to why the publication has been re-issued. The superseded version of the publication will also remain present on our website and will be clearly labelled as superseded.
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Using our official statistics
Last updated: 17 September 2020
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