Dmitry Shabunya
Account number
Regulatory actions
What is a sanction?
When a licence holder has not followed rules and regulations aimed at ensuring gambling is fair, safe and crime-free, we can take action and impose the following sanctions:
- Give the licensee a warning
- Add, remove, or amend a condition to the licence
- Suspend a licence
- Revoke a licence
- Impose a financial penalty
Decision date: 22 December 2022
Outcomes: Warning
Details of action
Following a licence review, the Commission determined to issue Mr Dmitry Shabunya with a warning under section 117(a)(a) of the Gambling Act 2005.
The Commission found the Licensee:
• breached a condition of his personal licence, in that he failed to notify the Commission within 10 working days of a key event, namely his dismissal for gross misconduct
The Licensee cooperated with the Commission during course of the review.