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Fourth National Lottery Licence: Regulatory Handbook

The Commission’s regulatory handbook sets out our regulatory approach to the National Lottery.

  1. Contents
  2. Volume three: Assurance and Regulatory Reporting Requirements
  3. 24. Regulatory reporting requirements (section 2)

24. Regulatory reporting requirements (section 2)

Protecting Participants’ interests

24.11 This reporting area consists of the following:

  • prize payments (required monthly)
  • participant behaviour and protection (required quarterly), and
  • enquiries and complaints (required quarterly).

Table 10: Overview of Prize payments report


Report area: Prize payments

Frequency: Monthly

Purpose: Condition 8 of the Fourth Licence covers payment of Prizes, among other Participants’ interests. This report allows us to monitor speed of Prize payments as well as Prize payout percentages (as a proportion of sales), which is an important element of Section 6 Licences.

Expected contents

Total monetary value of Prizes, broken down by Game, and expressed as a percentage of the monetary value of sales; and

Data on speed and source of Prize payment to winners following a valid claim, with breakdowns by Game. This level of granularity is helpful in capturing the interests of all Participants, given that certain Participants will play only some Games (or only one Game) and not others.

Table 11: Overview of Participant behaviour and protection report


Report area: Participant behaviour and protection

Frequency: Quarterly

Purpose: This report complements the Annual Assurance Statement process, as set out in section 22. It ensures we receive more frequent reporting across a core set of indicators related to Participant behaviour and protection, in order to retain visibility over key trends related to Participant interests, and potentially receive early warning of any issues.

Expected contents

The specific content of this report will be agreed with the Licensee, as it is likely to depend on its Participant Protection Strategy and other aspects of operations.

We expect this report to include information related to a number of Participant interests, including those identified in Condition 8, including:

  • evidence and analysis produced by the Licensee in accordance with Condition 12.3
  • other indicators developed by the Licensee in accordance with Condition 8.17
  • data based on transactional data, such as
    • data related to customer participation and customer retention
    • participant access across different distribution channels or different technological means of accessing the National Lottery, and
    • breakdowns of the above data by Game and/or Game type (that is, Draw-based Games, scratchcards, interactive instant win Games, and any other Game types), and socio-demographic data, where available.

Table 12: Overview of Enquiries and complaints report


Report area: Enquiries and complaints

Frequency: Quarterly

Purpose: Regular reporting of data related to enquiries and complaints from members of the public is important in terms of assessing compliance with conditions related to Participant information, complaints and redress, under Condition 8. Moreover, this data can be valuable more broadly if the pattern of complaints highlights any potential issues which might be causing harm to Participant interests.

Expected contents

The specific content of this report will be agreed with the Licensee, as it is likely to depend on its operational model and approach to dealing with enquiries and complaints.

The data would be expected to include:

Volume of enquiries and complaints received across various channels of communication and the volume that have been escalated to the independent dispute resolution mechanism;

  • the time taken to resolve enquiries and complaints
  • classification of the subject matter of enquiries and complaints, and
  • the outcomes of enquiries, complaints and disputes escalated to the independent resolution mechanism.

Access and Distribution

24.12 This reporting area consists of the following:

  • availability report (required monthly)
  • sales outlets report (required annually)
  • ad hoc assurance statement (distribution), and
  • ad hoc notification requirements.

Table 13: Overview of Availability report


Report area: Availability

Frequency: Monthly

Purpose: Availability of systems and terminals necessary to play National Lottery Games is a key issue in relation to both Condition 9 (Ensuring Access to the National Lottery) and Condition 17 (Licensee and its operations to be Fit for Purpose). Frequent reporting will provide us visibility over trends related to these conditions, including any significant issues or outages.

Expected contents

We will agree the specific content of this report with the Licensee, as it is likely to depend on its approach to technology and use of different distribution channels.

Indicatively, we expect relevant content could include the following information, which may be broken down by different time periods or different times of day:

  • central system availability and/or system availability in relation to specific Game types
  • availability of specific channels of distribution or communication, such as website and/or mobile application
  • service outages, duration and number of Sales Outlets affected, and
  • availability of Physical Sales Location facilities such as facilities for ticket sales, printing and validating tickets.

Table 14: Overview of Sales Outlets report


Report area: Sales Outlets

Frequency: Annual

Purpose: The information in this report will allow us to understand the breadth and distribution of the network of Sales Outlets, which is relevant with regard to Condition 9 in terms of appeal and reach.

Expected contents

  • full list of Physical Sales Locations where National Lottery Games are available24 , including name and address
  • number of Physical Sales Locations by postcode district
  • for any postcode district where Condition 9.3 applies, an explanation of the reason for this and a summary of the outcome of the most recent review (per Condition 9.3(b))
  • full list of online, app-based or other Sales Outlets where National Lottery Games are available.

Table 15: Overview of Ad Hoc Assurance Statement (Distribution)


Report area: Ad Hoc Assurance Statement (Distribution)

Frequency: Ad hoc

Purpose: Ad Hoc Assurance Statements are required under Conditions 10.3 and 10.4 in order to provide us assurance that any risks related to certain changes, including in relation to distribution arrangements, are being adequately addressed.

Expected contents

The contents will depend on the specific context. Section 22 provides some guidance on assurance requirements.

Table 16: Overview of notification requirements


Report area: Ensuring access to the National Lottery notification requirements

Frequency: Ad hoc

Purpose: Below we summarise, for reference, conditions within the Fourth Licence which require the Licensee to provide notifications or specific information to us on an ad hoc basis, in relation to ensuring access to the National Lottery.

For further information, please refer to the relevant Licence conditions.

Expected contents

Condition 9: requirement to explain to us the reason for any instance where it has not been possible for the Licensee to achieve the objective set out in Condition 9.2

Branding and National Lottery IP

24.13 This reporting area consists of the following:

  • brand KPIs (required quarterly), and
  • ad hoc notification requirements.

Table 17: Overview of Brand KPIs report


Report area: Brand KPIs

Frequency: Quarterly

Purpose: Condition 13 defines requirements related to the National Lottery Brand. As part of our approach to assessing compliance with this condition, we require reporting of Licensee performance with respect to Brand KPIs. Further details are provided in our Monitoring Performance Framework (see volume two).

Expected contents

The specific content of this report will be agreed with the Licensee, as it is likely to depend on its Brand Management Plan and any metrics identified as part of that.

Our Monitoring Performance Framework sets out indicative brand measures, which may be revised, including in consideration of any measures set out in the Licensee’s Brand Management Plan. For reference, the indicative brand measures cover:

  • brand awareness and recall
  • overall sentiment towards the brand
  • brand perceptions related to: Good Causes; life-changing; diversity and inclusion; safety; trustworthiness; national profile, and
  • brand loyalty.

Table 18: Overview of notification requirements


Report area: Branding and National Lottery IP notification requirements

Frequency: Ad hoc

Purpose: Below we summarise, for reference, conditions within the Fourth Licence which require the Licensee to provide notifications or specific information to us on an ad hoc basis, in relation to National Lottery IP.

For further information, please refer to the relevant Licence conditions.

Expected contents

  • Condition 13: requirement to notify us of intended deviations from the Brand Management Plan; and
  • Condition 19: requirements to notify us in relation to certain Other Lottery IP the Licensee identifies, and in relation to potential infringement of Core Lottery IP.

Good Causes Contribution

24.14 This reporting area consists of the following:

  • sales and good causes contribution report (required weekly)
  • other National Lottery Distribution Fund (NLDF) components report (required monthly)
  • revised estimated annual payment and weekly payment schedule (required monthly)
  • good causes contribution forecasts (quarterly)
  • cost expenditure report (required biannually)
  • ancillary activities report (required annually)
  • estimated annual payment and weekly payment schedule (required annually)
  • reconciliation certificate (required annually), and
  • related party arrangements report (required annually).

Table 19: Overview of Sales and Good Causes Contribution report


Report area: Sales and Good Causes Contribution

Frequency: Weekly

Purpose: We will use the information to monitor the amount paid to the NLDF and to monitor the Sales and Good Causes Contribution information for the year to date. It is required on a weekly basis to reflect the weekly payments into the NLDF.

Expected contents

  • actual sales for each Draw-based Game;
  • Scratchcards sales summary (including actual sales
  • Interactive Instant Win Game sales summary (including actual sales), and
  • amounts paid to the NLDF shall be clearly stated alongside supporting data or calculations as necessary. This should show the actual and forecasted payments for the week and year-to-date, including the variance, alongside a brief explanation. The contribution breakdown should be provided by each game type.

Table 20: Overview of other NLDF components report


Report area: Other NLDF components

Frequency: Weekly

Purpose: We use this information to monitor the amount paid to NLDF from other components, including Unclaimed Prizes, lost and stolen Scratchcard Lottery tickets, Unused Ticket Entitlements and interest. These drive a smaller element of Good Causes Contribution than Sales and will be required on a monthly, rather than weekly basis.

Expected contents

  • unclaimed Prizes due to the NLDF
  • contributions from Unused Ticket Entitlements
  • contributions from lost and stolen Scratchcard Lottery tickets to the NLDF, split according to the distinction made between Condition 15.7(a) and Condition 15.7(b), and
  • the Licensee’s liability with respect to interest earned on any relevant trust account or equivalent.

Table 21: Overview of Revised Estimated Annual Payment and Scheduled Weekly Payment


Report area: Revised Estimated Annual Payment and Weekly Payment Schedule

Frequency: Monthly (at least).

Purpose: For the Licensee to provide an updated Estimated Annual Payment and Weekly Payment Schedule (as reported annually – see Table 25), in accordance with Licence Schedule 5, Part C, 3.5, taking account of the relevant methodologies, the payments made to date and any changes which may have arisen. This report should be provided promptly whenever a review is conducted.

Expected contents

Any revisions to the Estimated Annual Payment. In calculating this, the Licensee will apply the Estimation Methodology as appropriate. The Licensee will provide details of this calculation and of any changes to these amounts as a result.

Any revisions to the Weekly Payment Schedule, taking account both of any change to the Estimated Annual Payment and of any change to the anticipated profile of the Scheduled Weekly Payments. In calculating this, the Licensee will apply the Scheduling Methodology as appropriate. The Licensee will provide details of this calculation and of any changes to these amounts as a result.

Table 22: Overview of Good Causes Contribution Forecasts report


Report area: Good Causes Contribution Forecasts

Frequency: Quarterly

Purpose: This information will inform long-term expected Good Cause Contributions, and provide DCMS, National Lottery Distributors and the NLPU with forecasts for contributions to Good Causes.

Expected contents

Good Causes Contribution forecasts, showing the forecast value of the Good Causes Contribution on a monthly basis, across a rolling five-year period (or during the last five years of the Fourth Licence, up to the end of the Fourth Licence). We expect that forecasts would be reported in a way that accounts appropriately for uncertainty; this will involve specifying plausible high and low forecast scenarios alongside the most likely central scenario.

Key underlying data, including sales forecasts split by Game and Game type (that is, forecast for each Draw-based Game and for scratchcards, interactive instant win Games, and any other Game types).

Historical variances between previous forecasts and observed Good Cause Contributions.

Commentary to explain the Good Cause Contribution forecasts, including a comparison to the previous quarter’s forecast and commentary on any changes.

A copy of the latest Forecasting Methodology Assurance Report.

Table 23: Overview of Cost expenditure report


Report area: Cost expenditure

Frequency: Quarterly

Purpose: We require a breakdown of operating and other costs across functional business areas, and cost allocations against the different National Lottery types of Game, business activity and/or function25.

Expected contents

  • prize liabilities arising from sales in the financial year (differentiating Prizes paid versus liabilities with respect to Unclaimed Prizes)
  • lottery duty26; VAT; Retailer commission and any other commission
  • liability to NLDF
  • recoverable Implementation costs (as set out in any Enabling Agreement and within agreed scope)
  • finance costs (including any interests payments, financing charges or gains or losses on foreign exchange or derivative financial instruments)
  • consumables (includes production and logistics costs associated with scratchcards, ticket rolls and play slips)
  • marketing (includes advertising and promotion, direct marketing, PR costs, market research and new product development, marketing staff costs)
  • technology (including application software, infrastructure and operations, third party support costs, technology staff)
  • licence fees (including fees related to the Section 5 Licence and Section 6 Licences, and third-party licensing - fees due to licensing and/or branding arrangements with third-parties)
  • capital expenditure (includes retail capital, technology capital, facilities and security capital)
  • other costs and revenue (for example sundry income, bank transaction fees)
  • staff, administrative and facilities costs (for example permanent salary costs, outsourcing, training, contractors)
  • depreciation and amortisation is in line with IFRS where the assets are depreciated over the useful life of the asset
  • bank Transaction fees are captured within the 'Payment Processing' line
  • in addition, we expect reporting of items which are specific to the calculation of liability to the NLDF at Schedule 5 of the Fourth Licence. For example:
    • the value of any lost or stolen Scratchcard Lottery tickets
    • the value of the VATCostHat term in relation to the adjustment (if any) for VAT at Schedule 5
    • each individual line of excluded revenues in Table 2 in Appendix 1 to Schedule 5 of the Fourth Licence
    • each individual line of excluded costs in Table 3 in Appendix 1 to Schedule 5 of the Fourth Licence (except where certain Excluded Costs are determined by us).

Breakdowns of any cost areas not mentioned are available if further detail is required in a particular area.

Table 24: Overview of Ancillary Activities report


Report area: Ancillary Activities

Frequency: Annual

Purpose: We will use this information to verify that only approved Ancillary Activities have been undertaken and the correct payments have been made to the NLDF in respect of them. These activities are expected to be a small part of NLDF income, so the information is only required on an annual basis.

Expected contents
  • a list of Ancillary Activities carried out in-year
  • income and expenditure incurred in relation to Ancillary Activities and other amounts due to the NLDF from Ancillary Activities
  • explanation of the methodologies used for revenue and cost allocation to Ancillary Activities, and
  • details of any bespoke arrangements for Good Causes Contribution from the activities.

Table 25: Overview of Estimated Annual Payment and Weekly Payment Schedule


Report area: Estimated Annual Payment and Weekly Payment Schedule

Frequency: Annual

Purpose: For the Licensee to provide an estimate of the annual payment for the forthcoming year in accordance with Licence Schedule 5, Part C, 1.1 - 1.3, as well as the expected Weekly Payment Schedule in accordance with Licence Schedule 5, Part C, 2.1 - 2.3.

Expected contents

Calculation of Estimated Annual Payment, including a breakdown of revenue and costs, Surplus, and Good Causes Contribution. In calculating this, the Licensee will apply the Estimation Methodology as appropriate. The Licensee will provide details of this calculation to us.

Calculation of the Scheduled Weekly Payments, including the element pertaining to the Fixed Contribution as well as the Scheduled Variable Weekly Payments. In calculating this, the Licensee will apply the Scheduling Methodology as appropriate. The Licensee will provide details of this calculation to us.

Table 26: Overview of Reconciliation Certificate


Report area: Reconciliation Certificate

Frequency: Annual

Purpose: We will receive a draft Reconciliation Certificate (and any subsequent amendments required to finalise this) as set out in Schedule 5, Part C, section 5.

The Reconciliation Certificate is required annually after the end of the Licence Year. It identifies any Annual Underpayment or Annual Overpayment (plus interest adjustment) relative to the Actual Annual Amount. For information purposes we will receive an unaudited summary of the total Good Causes payments for that Licence Year alongside the Reconciliation Certificate

Expected contents

As set out in the Licence, this submission includes:

  • a certificate issued by the Licensee’s statutory auditors, covering the calculation of the Actual Annual Amount, any Annual Underpayment or Annual Overpayment, and the interest adjustment associated with this including that the calculated Annual Underpayment or Overpayment and interest accurately reconciles the aggregate of all the Scheduled Weekly payments for that Licence Year to the Actual Annual Amount which accurately agrees to the audited Annual Accounts for that Licence Year
  • draft annual accounts, and
  • draft audit certificate in respect of the draft annual accounts.

As part of this, we would expect any instances where the values reported for the purposes of the Actual Annual Amount calculation and those set out in the accounts differ to be highlighted, explained and justified.

The submission will also include an unaudited summary of total Good Causes payments for that Licence Year, to include; the aggregate of all the Scheduled Weekly payments (split Scheduled Variable Weekly Payment and Fixed Contribution) and an analysis of Additional Weekly Good Causes Payment.


Report area: Related Party Arrangements

Frequency: Annual

Purpose: We will use this information to monitor and verify that transactions with Related Parties are undertaken and operated in accordance with the relevant Licence obligations. This information will be required annually so as to be consistent with annual submissions on cost expenditure and any related assurance reporting.

Expected contents

  • a list of all transactions with Related Parties occurring in the year
  • revenues (and any other income) from Related Party Arrangements (in total and by transaction)
  • costs of any Related Party Arrangements (in line with the Fourth Licence definitions) (in total and by transaction)
  • statement of all costs and revenues – from Related Party Arrangements – that have been treated as excluded (in the calculation of contributions to NLDF), and
  • information to demonstrate these provide Good Value for Good Causes (per Condition 5.5(d)).

Financial and operational resilience

24.15 This reporting area consists of the following:

  • weekly trust report (required weekly)
  • monthly trust and participants payments report (required monthly)
  • monthly trust income report (required monthly)
  • trust compliance certificate (required at least annually)
  • audit certificate (required monthly)
  • financial covenants (required quarterly)
  • resilience assurance statement (required annually)
  • ad hoc assurance and reporting in relation to protecting participant funds
  • unqualified resilience assurance statement related to significant business events (ad hoc), and
  • ad hoc notification requirements.

Table 28a: Weekly Trust Report


Report area: Weekly Trust Report

Frequency: Weekly (on second Business Day after the end of each Weekly Reporting Period)

Purpose: The Weekly Trust Report will provide assurance that the Licensee is meeting its commitments under Condition 16 and the Trust Documents.

Expected contents

Required under Appendix 3 paragraph 2 of the Security Trust Deed. Expected contents as specified under Appendix 3 paragraph 1(b):

  • the balance of each of the relevant Trust Accounts and the calculation of the Required Payments for the relevant Weekly Reporting Period
  • any Additional Funds Movement Payment(s) in accordance with paragraph 2.1(g) of Appendix 1 Part B
  • any Approved Exceptional payments to be transferred in accordance with Clause 4.6
  • the Primary Reserve Balance and individual inbuilt reserve movements and closing balances
  • EuroMillions Trust Receipt Amount(s) (EUR) in accordance with paragraph 4.1(b) of Appendix 1 Part B
  • EuroMillions Trust Payment Amount(s) (EUR) in accordance with paragraph 4.2(a) of Appendix 1 Part B
  • the onward payment of any EuroMillions Trust Receipt Amount (GBP) to the Lottery Operating Account in accordance with paragraph 4.2(b) of Appendix 1 Part B.

Table 28b: Monthly Trust and Participant Funds Report


Report area: Monthly Trust and Participant Funds Report

Frequency: Monthly (On or before 15th Business Day of each month)

Purpose: The Monthly Trust and Participants Report will provide assurance that the Licensee is meeting its commitments under Condition 16 and the Trust Documents.

Expected contents

Required under Appendix 3 paragraph 2(i) and as specified under Appendix 3 paragraph 1(c) (iv) of the Security Trust Deed.

  • an assessment up to the end of the previous month, sufficient to enable the Trustee to monitor the Licensee’s compliance with the requirements of Trust Documents and the Licence.

Oversight of the TPRA reserves, including TPRA 1, including planned usage and forecast balances.

Table 28c: Monthly Trust Income Report


Report area: Monthly Trust Income Report

Frequency: Monthly (On or before 15th Business Day of each month)

Purpose: The Monthly Trust Income Report will provide assurance that the Licensee is meeting its commitments under Condition 16 and the Trust Documents.

Expected contents

Required under Appendix 3 paragraph 2(ii) and as specified under Appendix 3 paragraph 1(c) (iii) of the Security Trust Deed.

  • the Trust Income (if any) standing to the credit of the Trust Income Account as at the end of the previous month and the breakdown of Trust Costs (if any) payable on the next Weekly Payment Day, in accordance with the Trust Income Priority of Payments.

Table 28d: Trust Compliance Certificate


Report area: Trust Compliance Certificate

Frequency: Annual (No later than 10 Business days after end of each Licence Year) or within 28 days of any request by the Trustee

Purpose: The Trust Compliance Report will provide assurance that the Licensee is meeting its commitments under Condition 16 and the Trust Documents.

Expected contents

Required under Appendix 3 paragraph 2(iv) of the Long Form Trust Deed. Expected Contents specified under Schedule 3 paragraph 2.

  • a certificate of the Licensee approved by the board of Directors of the Licensee confirming that, to their best knowledge, information and belief (and having made all reasonable enquiries):
    1. no Licence Revocation, Default Event or Potential Default Event exists or has existed since the date of the last certificate (or if such an event exists or has existed, details of the relevant event)
    2. during the previous Licence Year (or such period as the Trustee may specify) and to the date of the certificate, the Licensee has complied in all material respects with its obligations under the Act, the Licence and the Trust Documents, or providing details of any non-compliance.

Table 29: Overview of Audit Certificate


Report area: Monthly Audit Certificate

Frequency: Monthly (within 10 Business days from the end of the month to which the certificate relates)

Purpose: The Monthly Audit Certificate will provide assurance of the accuracy of payments of Lottery Monies.

Expected contents

Required under Clause 16.3 of the Security Trust Deed. A monthly certificate from the Auditor which contains the following confirmations, as detailed in Clause 16.2 of the Security Trust Deed:

  1. to verify the payments made
    i.) out of each of the Lottery Accounts
    ii.) into and out of each of the Trust Accounts
    and to confirm that those payments have been calculated and made in accordance with the Licence and the Trust Documents
  2. to confirm that the Licensee has effective processes and procedures in place for the purposes of recording payments into the Lottery Accounts, and
  3. any other information required by the Commission, or reasonably required by the Trustee.

Table 30: Overview of Financial Covenants


Report area: Financial Covenants

Frequency: Quarterly

Purpose: For the Licensee to provide periodic information related to financial covenants entered into by the Licensee, which will be captured in Schedule 6 of the Fourth Licence.

Expected contents

Dependent on specific financial covenants entered into by the Licensee

Table 31: Overview of Resilience Assurance Statement (annual)


Report area: Resilience Assurance Statement

Frequency: Annual

Purpose: For the Licensee to provide assurance in relation to its financial and operational resources, as discussed within section 22.

Expected contents

See section 22 (assurance requirements).

Table 32: Overview of Ad hoc assurance and reporting in relation to Protecting Participant Funds


Report area: Ad hoc assurance and reporting in relation to Protecting Participant Funds

Frequency: Ad hoc

Purpose: Ad Hoc Assurance Statements or reports may be required from the Licensee in order for us to ensure that the outcomes in Condition 16 are being met.

Expected contents

As set out within Condition 16, depending on specific circumstances the Licensee may be required to provide:

  • an Ad Hoc Assurance Statement in the event that the Licensee intends to amend any Trust Document (see Condition 16.6)
  • a statement in the event of Enforcement Action by the National Lottery Trustee (see Condition 16.25);
  • an independent report on the Funds Protection Criteria, as and when required (see Condition 16.26)
  • Additional information regarding Funds Protection Policies, Trustee Requirements and/or Account Bank Requirements, as and when required (see Condition 16.29(a)), and
  • any other Ad Hoc Assurance Statement that may be required in relation to Trust Arrangements (see Condition 16.24(c)).


Report area: Unqualified Resilience Assurance Statement related to Significant Business Events

Frequency: Ad hoc

Purpose: We require an Unqualified Resilience Assurance Statement before any Significant Business Event, as discussed in section 22.

Expected contents

See section 22 (assurance requirements).

Table 34: Overview of notification requirements


Report area: Financial and operational resilience notification requirements

Frequency: Ad hoc

Purpose: Below we summarise, for reference, conditions within the Fourth Licence which require the Licensee to provide notifications or specific information to us on an ad hoc basis, in relation to ensuring access to the National Lottery.

For further information, please refer to the relevant Licence conditions.

Expected contents

  • Condition 16 requires the Licensee to notify us of the Funds Protection Criteria and in instances where the National Lottery Trustee or Account Bank are (potentially) no longer meeting requirements
  • Condition 18 requires the Licensee to notify us in relation to Financial Distress Events.


24.16 This reporting area consists of the following:

  • exit plan (required annually).

24.17 Further reporting requirements related to Exit may be developed during the course of the Fourth Licence, as necessary. This is expected to include reporting related to the Outstanding Liability Fund and Good Causes Underpayment Arrangements.

Table 35: Overview of Exit Plan


Report area: Exit Plan

Frequency: Annual

Purpose: The Licensee is required to prepare, maintain, and provide an Exit Plan to us for review and approval, and which meets its obligations under Condition 27.

Expected contents

Guidance on the expected contents, over and above the requirements of Condition 27, is included in the Monitoring Performance Framework (see section 17). In summary, contents include:

  • approach to facilitating the Next Competition and a smooth transition to the Next Licence, including a plan, timeline and key deliverables for Exit
  • records related to Lottery Assets and IP, and
  • approach to financial reconciliation and transfer of subcontracts, Licensee Assets, IP and obligations to the Next Licensee.


23 As noted in paragraph 22.10, exception reporting might then lead to further steps, such as a requirement for the Licensee to provide an Ad Hoc Assurance Statement in relation to specific risks (see Condition 23.19).

24 The meaning of “available” in this context will be defined in consultation with the Licensee (for example, in the case of any Retailers having limited opening hours, the definition may specify a minimum amount of time for which Game purchases must be possible in order for the Games to be considered available for the purpose of this report).

25 To provide further detail to Applicants we have issued in the Virtual Data Room the following report “Draft Cost Reporting Guidelines for The Fourth National Lottery Licence – An Initial View”. This report, produced by NERA, provides further detail about the potential cost categories, cost allocation principles and the potential format of a reporting template. We will develop and finalise Fourth Licence cost reporting requirements through engagement with the Incoming Licensee.

26 Although included in the Cost expenditure report, note that technically Lottery Duty and any VAT on ticket sales (if any) are deducted from income in order to calculate Licensee Revenue – that is, Lottery Duty and any VAT on ticket sales (if any) are not treated as a Licensee Cost under the Incentive Mechanism.

Previous section
24. Regulatory reporting requirements (section 1)
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