Corporate Governance Framework
Our corporate governance framework sets out the necessary responsibilities and procedures that guarantee we operate properly.
18. The Commission maintains proper accounting records and produces financial statements in accordance with any directions issued by the Secretary of State and Government Accounting guidance (namely the Government Financial Reporting Manual, Managing Public Money, Accounts Directive and Accounting Standards issued or adopted by the Accounting Standards Board, Dear Accounting Officer letters and any other relevant guidance issued by Treasury).
19. As Accounting Officer, the Chief Executive is responsible for ensuring compliance with this, and may delegate the task to other employees as appropriate.
20. Controls, checks and balances will be put in place when designing financial procedures, to reduce the risk of error and fraud consistent with the Commission’s Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy.
21. The Chief Executive is responsible for determining accounting policies and ensuring that they are applied consistently.
22. The Chief Executive is responsible for determining the accounting procedures and records for the Commission.
23. The Chief Executive is responsible for ensuring that the annual financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Accounts Direction and the requirements of Government Accounting.
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Last updated: 27 February 2023
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