Suspension of operating licence - EveryMatrix Software Limited
05 September 2019
The Gambling Commission has instigated a review under section 116 of the Gambling Act 2005 into EveryMatrix Software Limited (operating licence no 039383-R-319384-021).
This followed compliance activity which included examining its customer interaction framework.
Pursuant to section 118(2) of the Gambling Act 2005 (opens in new tab), the Commission has determined to suspend the above operating licence insofar as it pertains to the operator’s ability to offer remote facilities for real event betting other than pool betting or betting on virtual events, and to operate a remote casino. We have not suspended the Licensee’s activities of manufacturing, supplying, installing or adapting gambling software.
The suspension of EveryMatrix Software Limited takes effect immediately.
We have instructed the operator that they may settle ante-post bets which have been placed prior to the suspension coming into force and facilitate customers’ accessing their accounts to withdraw funds.
If a customer has questions concerning their account we advise they contact the operator on
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Last updated: 14 November 2024
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