Consultation response
Summer 2023 consultation – Proposed changes to LCCP and RTS: Consultation Response
This response sets out our position in relation to the consultation on the proposed changes to LCCP and Remote Gambling and Software Technical Standards.
- Executive summary
- Summary of topics
- Topic 1 - Improving customer choice on direct marketing: Consultation Response
- Topic 2 - Strengthening age verification in premises: Consultation Response
- Topic 3 - Game design: Consultation Response
- Topic 4 - Financial vulnerability checks: Consultation Response and Financial risk assessments pilot: Consultation Response
- Topic 5 - Personal Management Licence: Consultation Response
- Topic 6 - Changes to Regulatory Panels: Consultation Response
- Evaluating the impact of relevant changes
- Annex
Introduction - Game design
On 26 July 2023 we issued our summer consultation which included Game Design proposals. The consultation ran for 12 weeks until 18 October 2023.
We received 178 written responses to the consultation from the following categories of respondents:
- 95 from members of the public
- 29 from a person representing a gambling business
- 20 from a person, responding in a personal capacity who is or has worked in a gambling business
- 13 from a person representing a charity and/or non-profit
- 6 from a person representing a licensing authority or other regulator
- 6 from an academic, responding as an individual
- 5 from a person representing a professional body, including academic organisations
- 2 were not answered
- 2 from a person representing a trade association.
Last updated: 1 May 2024
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