Digital Advisory Panel: Managing conflicts of interest policy
The policy on managing conflicts of interest for the Gambling Commission's Digital Advisory Panel. The policy aims to maintain public trust and confidence.
1. The credibility and impact of the Digital Advisory Panel (DAP) depends on the independence and objectivity of its advice to the Gambling Commission (the Commission) and on the confidence of others in its integrity. It is important therefore that DAP members abide by agreed principles in this policy, reflecting the Seven Principles of Public Life1.
The purpose of this policy is to explain:
- types of interests
- when a conflict of interest may arise
- how conflicts will be managed
- which conflicts are incompatible with roles at the Gambling Commission
- the obligations of individuals in declaring and managing conflicts.
2. This policy applies to the following groups of people, although the requirements and processes may be different for each:
- Commissioners
- independent members of Commission committees
- Commission employees
- independent contractors working with the Commission
- members of Commission advisory groups - including DAP.
3. The aim of this policy is to maintain public trust and confidence in the Commission and the individuals who work in and with the Commission.
4. As a statutory regulator and public body, the Commission expects those involved with it to maintain the highest standards of probity and integrity.
5. This policy is owned by the Governance team and will be reviewed annually in quarter two to ensure it remains up to date and effective.
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DAP: Managing conflicts of interest policy - What is a conflict of interest
Last updated: 14 February 2023
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