Corporate Governance Framework
Our corporate governance framework sets out the necessary responsibilities and procedures that guarantee we operate properly.
Commission employees
3.23 Within the arrangements approved by the Secretary of State (paragraph 6, Schedule 4 of the Gambling Act 2005), the Gambling Commission has responsibility for the recruitment, retention and motivation of its employees.
3.24 The Commission will ensure that:
- its rules for the recruitment and management of employees provide for appointment and advancement on merit on the basis of equal opportunities for all applicants and employees
- the level and structure of its staffing, including grade and numbers of employees, is appropriate to its functions and the requirements of efficiency, effectiveness and economy
- the performance of employees at all levels is satisfactorily appraised for the purposes of performance pay and, where appropriate, promotion
- its employees are encouraged to acquire the appropriate professional, managerial and other expertise necessary to achieve the Commission’s objectives
- proper consultation with its employees takes place on issues affecting them, for example pay and health and safety
- adequate grievance and disciplinary procedures are in place
- an employee code of conduct is in place.
Individual responsibilities of employees
3.25 The Commission’s position as the regulator of the gambling industry requires that the Commission and its employees are able, at all times, to demonstrate that their actions and behaviour are beyond reproach. The Commission wants to ensure that employees are protected from any situation where they might be seen as vulnerable to personal compromise of any kind, or situations which might lead to the integrity of the Commission being questioned. To support this, the Code of Conduct for employees reflects the Commission’s values and sets out the standards of behaviour that are expected of everyone who works with the Commission, such as employees, contractors or consultants, and the ways in which the Commission will help such people to avoid any unwarranted criticism or pressure.
3.26 The Commission expects the highest standards of behaviour from employees at work and in personal lives where the Commission’s position might be affected. The general principles set out below and the detailed Code of Conduct for employees applies to everyone who works for the Commission. It is the responsibility of each individual to be aware of the standards of conduct expected of them and to apply the Code of Conduct for employees as a general guideline to behaviour. However, employees may encounter particular personal circumstances that are not covered by the Code of Conduct for employees, or where the strict application of the Code may seem unreasonable. Any such circumstance should be discussed with a manager to arrive at a solution which is fair and reasonable for both employee and the Commission.
3.27 The general principles for employees’ conduct are:
Employees should conduct themselves in a frank and honest manner and maintain the Commission’s high standards of conduct, whether or not at work. Employees should treat all those they encounter, including colleagues, licensees and the public, courteously and follow the guidance in the Code of Conduct for employees.
Personal and financial affairs
Employees should conduct their financial and other personal affairs in a frank and honest manner that does not leave them exposed to the risk of corruption or improper pressure. Major financial difficulties or changes of circumstances which might make an employee vulnerable, or appear vulnerable, to allegations of impropriety should be disclosed (in confidence) to the Chief People Officer who will undertake an assessment of exposure and take appropriate action to manage the risk.
Working in the Commission involves access to sensitive and confidential information about individuals, about commercial organisations and their plans and about policy developments. Employees must ensure that such information is not used in any way directly or indirectly for their own benefit or for the benefit of any third party or disclosed to any person (whether Commission employees or otherwise) other than as required by law. This does not prevent employees from exercising any of their other rights under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 (opens in new tab).
While safeguarding information that should be kept confidential, employees must remember that the Commission is committed to being open about the way in which decisions are reached and how our business is conducted. Employees must therefore take care to record and make available material to enable our stakeholders to understand our business.
Last updated: 13 June 2024
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