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Annual Report and Accounts 2021 to 2022

The Gambling Commission's 2021 to 2022 Annual Report and Accounts.

  1. Contents
  2. Notes to the accounts
  3. 11. Trade and other payables

11. Trade and other payables

Trade payables and other current liabilities
Amounts falling due within one year 2022
Trade payables 1,026 982
Other taxation and social security3 726 771
Staff holiday pay accrual3 224 302
Other payables13 973 105
Accruals34 4,237 2,540
Deferred income23 12,990 9,379
Balance at 31 March 20,176 14,079


1 Other payables include £960,743 which is payable to Customers for Change of Corporate Control refunds in April 2022.

2 The Commission holds total deferred income balances of £13,523,894 (£10,007,289 in 2020/21) included in note 11, Trade payables and other current liabilities and note 12, Amounts due after more than one year. These relate to: Licence fees received, due to be released to income within one year of £12,990,204 (£9,379,764 in 2020/21). Licence fees received, due to be released to income after one year of £533,690 (see note 11, Trade payables and other current liabilities and note 12, Amounts due after more than one year).

3 2020-21 numbers are reclassified – Provisions were previously recognised as accruals and have been reclassified in the year.

4 Accruals includes a £1.8 million success fee payable on completion of the competition to award the fourth National Lottery licence.

Previous section
10. Cash and cash equivalents
Next section
12. Amounts due after more than one year
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