Consultation response
Changes to licence conditions and codes of practice on the use of credit cards for gambling
Consultation response January 2020
Summary of responses - Changes to licence conditions and codes of practice on the use of credit cards for gambling
- Our position The Gambling Commission's position on the use of credit cards for gambling.
- The potential impact on those not currently experiencing harm The potential impact on those not currently experiencing harm
- Risk of consumers substituting to other high cost forms of borrowing such as payday loans The Gambling Commission's consultation response regarding the risk of consumers taking on high cost forms of borrowing instead of credit cards.
- The role of operators in affordable gambling The role of operators in affordable gambling
- E-wallets E-wallets
- Pre-paid cards
Introduction - Changes to licence conditions and codes of practice on the use of credit cards for gambling Next section
The role of financial services in reducing harms from gambling with borrowed money - summary of responses
Last updated: 12 September 2024
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