Consultation response
Changes to licence condition 8.1 (display of licensed status)
Consultation response for the changes to licence condition 8.1 (display of licensed status).
Specific comments on the proposal to add licence condition 8.1.3
Some respondents queried whether the proposed licence condition 8.1.3 is intended to apply to External Lottery Managers (ELMs). Additionally, accompanying guidance was requested for ELMs who may manage lotteries for multiple society lotteries.
Clarification was sought on whether ELMs should display their own licence details or those of all the lotteries they operate, with the former being considered preferable and less burdensome than the latter.
It was suggested that a charity website that links through to a society lottery website provided by an ELM, should include a statement explaining what percentage of the lottery sales are received by the charity for spend on charitable purposes.
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Our position
Last updated: 2 August 2021
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