Consultations and call for evidence
House of Lords Select Committee on gambling
The Social and Economic Impact of the Gambling Industry Committee was appointed June and is focusing its inquiry on issues including:
- the current state of the industry
- the lack of accurate estimates of the extent of the problem
- developments in gambling habits, in particular online gambling
- the ‘gamblification’ of sport
- the industry’s contribution towards research, education and treatment of problem gamblers
- whether those who need help have access to it; advertising; and lotteries.
The Committee’s call for evidence (PDF) (opens in new tab) is open until 6 September 2019.
DCMS consultation on the minimum age for playing National Lottery games
The Department is consulting (opens in new tab) on whether the availability of all National Lottery games to those under 18 remains appropriate and is seeking views on three options:
- Option 1 - Do nothing, retain the minimum age of 16 for all National Lottery games
- Option 2 - Raise the minimum age to 18 for National Lottery instant win games (i.e. scratchcards and online instant win games)
- Option 3 - Raise the minimum age to 18 for all National Lottery games.
The consultation closes on 8 October 2019.
Policing priorities in Scotland
In July the Scottish Government launched a consultation on new national priorities for policing in Scotland. The priorities set the long-term framework for Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority including :
- crime and security – respond to current and emerging threats, maintain public order and prioritises prevention, investigation, equality and human rights
- confidence – continue to inspire public trust by being ethical, open and transparent
- partnerships – work with partners to maintain safe communities and support improved outcomes, increase resilience and address vulnerability
- sustainability – plan for current and future social and economic circumstances and considers the environmental impact of policing and its operations
- people – value and empower a diverse workforce to lead and deliver high quality services
- evidence – use evidence to develop services and ensure that the right capacity and skills are in place to deliver high performing and innovative services.
The closing date for responses is 4 October.
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LA Bulletin Summer 2019 - Case studies
Last updated: 15 December 2022
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Following an audit the 'call for evidence' link has been updated.