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Industry Forum Terms of reference


  1. As a regulator, it is important that the Gambling Commission hears from the industry we regulate. This is a key requirement of the Regulators' Code (opens in new tab) (PDF)

  2. To enhance our engagement with the gambling industry, we have established an Industry Forum (IF) to provide feedback and insight about policy proposals, operating conditions, and the Commission’s activities.


  1. IF will engage with the Board and Executive to:
  • provide industry feedback on proposed policy changes, particularly identifying unintended consequences or inconsistencies
  • identify and accelerate progress on mutual challenges to raise standards, and to share good practice
  • give feedback to the Commission about its own performance as a regulator
  • share insight about the industry perspective and the impact of wider changes in the operating environment, and make suggestions for any areas for required policy change in light of changing environments
  • build relationships to improve the effectiveness of regulation.
  1. The Commission will request input from IF on topics where the Forum can add most value to its work. IF members can also recommend topics for discussion..

  2. To ensure transparency, a summary of IF meetings will be published on the Commission website.

  3. IF has no decision-making role and members will not have access to details of or discuss current regulatory casework.

  4. IF deals with industry matters and does not substitute for individual operator relationships and dialogue with the Commission, nor does it seek to substitute for the work of industry trade bodies.

  5. IF is not a decision-making body and does not set the Commission’s strategy. It does, however, contribute to the Commission’s understanding of strategic issues, including the impact of the Commission’s strategy on operators and the operating environment. The Chair of IF will be invited, from time to time, to meet with the CEO and Chair, and attend meetings of the Board to provide industry insight.


  1. The Chair of IF is appointed and paid by the Gambling Commission. The Chair must meet the requirements of the Commission’s Managing Conflicts of Interest policy. Their declaration of interests will be published on the Commission's website.

  2. Members of IF include representatives from across the gambling sector. Members will be selected based on their skills, experience and insight.

  3. Other than the Chair, IF members will not be paid by the Commission, and as such will not be subject to the Managing Conflicts of Interest policy. A code of conduct will apply and the names and employers of the members will be published on the Commission's website.

  4. Members will normally serve a two-year term, but this may be varied with the inaugural members to ensure continuity.

  5. Meetings are attended by relevant Commission staff. The Commission provides secretariat support to the IF.

Regulatory action

  1. The Commission will take a case by case approach to ongoing participation if the employer of an IF member is subject to regulatory action. The action taken will be taken in consultation with the individual and the Chair of IF, although the final decision rests with the Chair of the Commission. Action may include recusal from parts of meetings, a pause in participation, or another approach.

  2. At the conclusion of the regulatory action, the decision about whether to reinstate their membership in full will be taken by the Chair of the Commission, in consultation with the individual and the Chair of IF.


  1. IF meets approximately once every two months. In between meetings IF may contribute specific insight as required.

  2. Meetings will be online and in person.


  1. IF reports to the Board of the Commission, via the Chair.


  1. These terms of reference will be reviewed annually in April to ensure they remain fit for purpose.

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