Helen Dodds register of interests
The purpose of a register of interests is to ensure the Commission is able to identify and manage potential conflicts that may influence their duties. For the most senior decision-makers and advisers in the organisation, their register of interests will be published on the Commission website as part of our commitment to transparency and the requirements of Cabinet Office Code of Conduct for Board Members of Public Bodies which specifies interests should be declared publicly.
- Board member for Human Tissue Authority
- Trustee and Non-Executive Director of St John’s Eye Hospital Group
- Director for LegalUK
- Director for Crowell Hill Consulting Ltd
- Member of the Development Board for Bingham Centre for The Rule Of Law
- Non-practicing solicitor for The Law Society of England and Wales
- Officer for The Most Venerable Order of St John of Jerusalem
- Honorary Senior Fellow for British Institute of International and Comparative Law
- Consultancy agreement with SettleIndex
- Holds shares in Standard Chartered PLC, Metaverse Technologies Ltd, Fingoti Ltd, and PinqDR Ltd
- Currently working on a consultancy project for the British Institute of International and Comparative Law.