Board minutes 9 September 2021
Venue: Remote meeting
Time: 09:30 - 13:30
- Louise Baxter (LB)
- Shane Carmichael (SC)
- Cath Cooney (CC)
- Anna van der Gaag (AVDG) (Chair)
- Hermine Graham (HE)
- Philip Newall (PN)
- Ulla Romild (UR)
- Jane West (JW).
In attendance:
- Tim Livesley
- Julia Hornle (item 4 only)
- Kate Kirwan (notes).
1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest
AVDG welcomed Board Members to the meeting. There were no new declarations of interest.
AVDG informed the Board of Marcus Boyle’s appointment as Chair and Andrew Rhodes appointment as interim CEO of the Commission.
AVDG said the Board would like to invite Andrew Rhodes for a future Board meeting and commented on her recent meeting with him on metrics.
2. Minutes and matters arising from July 2021
The minutes were reviewed and agreed.
AVDG noted the forthcoming summit in Glasgow on gambling harms. CC will be attending and other Board members are free to join if they wish to.
3. Introductions, updates from Board Members and Horizon Scanning
HG advised that she had attended the Welsh implementation group in August, dealing with adverse childhood events in terms of health provision and health care; discussion about how families have been included in that framework to see gambling as a wider issues and how to introduce it.
4. Discussion with Professor Julia Hornle – Queen Mary University of London
Julia Hornle (JH) joined the meeting to provide ABSG with a summary of her research work in relation to gambling advertising and marketing. AVDG noted that ABSG were particularly interested in evidence of causality, and detail about influencers, user generated content and content marketing.
JH provided an overview of her work, this provided an opportunity to discuss analysis of levels of enforcement in European regulators, social media and international cooperation. The group also discussed challenges and opportunities in relation to the mechanisms used to deliver online marketing to consumers.
ABSG thanked JH for her time.
5. Discussion on the Gambling Act Review (GAR)
The Board reviewed the latest draft advice being prepared for the Commission.
Action: AVDG and TL will work on the revisions to the advice and circulate to Board. TL will email Board members direct on specific points.
6. Discussion on ways of working/future priorities
The Board discussed options for future meeting arrangements and areas of work. Issues on the near horizon include the advice on the Gambling Act Review and the Year 3 progress report on the National Strategy. Further work is needed to consider the role and scope of ABSG and this is a piece of work that all the Advisory Groups will be doing.
The Board agreed to set meeting dates for 2022 and to aim to meet in person twice per year with the remainder of the meetings being held remotely.
7. Any other business
There was no other business for discussion.