Board minutes 21 January 2021
Meeting details
Remote meeting
10.00 – 13.30
- Louise Baxter (LB)
- Shane Carmichael (SC)
- Cath Cooney (CC)
- David Forrest (DF)
- Anna van der Gaag (AVDG) (Chair)
- Ian Gilmore (IG)
- Hermine Graham (HG)
- Rachel Lampard (RL)
- Jane West (JW)
Minutes and actions
Apologies and declarations of interest
AVDG welcomed Board Members to the meeting and asked for notifications of any conflicts of interest.
Minutes and matters arising from November 2020
The minutes were reviewed and agreed.
Introductions, Chairs’ Update and Horizon Scanning
AVDG updated the group on her attendance at the January Gambling Commission Board meeting. The Chairs of the Commission’s Advisory Groups will be attending Commission Board on a regular basis, and today’s meeting was positive.
National Strategy to reduce Gambling Harms – Year 2 Progress Report
ABSG members had contributed to two workshop sessions to review progress on Treatment and Prevention against the recommendations in the National Strategy. The session outcomes were shared with the full Board for comment.
On Treatment, the group agreed that steps would be taken to gather more evidence and clarity on treatment pathways, client flows and quality assurance. There was evidence of some promising work on expanding treatment to high-risk environments.
On Prevention, the group discussed the need for metrics and data collection on the impact of activity delivered through the National Strategy. Updates were noted on the development of the implementation groups in Scotland and Wales.
Gambling Review – Online Protections
The group considered a paper setting out the Commission’s objectives for its advice to DCMS on the online protections strand of the Gambling Review. The group noted that ABSG would be asked for their advice on several strands of the Gambling Act review over the coming months, and that a record of the advice from ABSG would be published.
Loot Boxes
The group received an update on progress on the revisions to their advice on loot boxes.
Any other Business
None notified.