Board minutes 18 May 2022
Venue: Remote meeting
Time: 09:30 - 12:00
- Cath Cooney (CC)
- Anna van der Gaag (AVDG) (Chair)
- Hermine Graham (HE)
- Jane West (JW)
- Philip Newall (PN)
- Ulla Romild (UR).
1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest
AVDG welcomed Board Members to the meeting.
There were no new declarations of interest.
2. Minutes and matters arising from March 2022
The minutes were reviewed and agreed.
AVDG noted that two blog items were still being developed.
3. Chair's update
AVDG gave an update on stakeholder engagement around the progress report. ABSG noted that an Academic Research Hub was announced this week, to be based at Bristol University.
ABSG noted that the White Paper on the Gambling Act Review remains in draft for ministerial approval.
4. Gambling Commission research update and forward look
ABSG welcomed members of the Gambling Commission’s Research and Statistics team for an early scoping discussion on the Commission’s three-year research plan. The team set the context for the Commission’s research work based on the Business Plan. ABSG were asked to give their views on three key questions:
- what are the key things from your wider experience and perspectives that the Commission should be considering when developing the research plan?
- what is happening outside of gambling that the Commission should be bringing in? (that is methodologies, wider thinking)
- are there any other people or bodies that are doing similar things that we could speak to or learn from?
A wide ranging discussion followed, drawing on members experience.
5. Metaverse
ABSG received an update on a Metaverse event hosted by the Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum and discussed the issues arising from new technologies.
6. Any Other Business
None notified.