Board minutes 16 November 2022
Venue: Remote meeting
Time: 09:30 - 13:30
- Cath Cooney (CC)
- Anna van der Gaag (AVDG) (Chair)
- Hermine Graham (HE)
- Jane West (JW)
- Philip Newall (PN)
- Ulla Romild (UR).
In attendance:
- (REDACTED) (item 4 only)
- (REDACTED) (item 4 only)
- (REDACTED) (item 4 only)
- (REDACTED) (Lived Experience Advisory Panel - item 4 only)
- (REDACTED) (Lived Experience Advisory Panel - item 4 only)
- (REDACTED) (Digital Advisory Panel - item 4 only)
- (REDACTED) (Digital Advisory Panel - item 4 only).
1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest
AVDG welcomed Board Members to the meeting.
There were no new declarations of interest.
2. Minutes and matters arising from September 2022
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and agreed.
3. Chair's update
AVDG asked members to share updates from recent meetings they had attended.
AVDG noted the importance of staying informed on Regulatory Settlements and how the Gambling Commission's approach to this area of work develops.
4. Gambling Commission Three-Year Evidence Strategy
ABSG welcomed the Commission's Research and Statistics team and members of the Digital Advisory Panel (DAP) and Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP).
ABSG members received an overview of the Commission’s Three-Year Evidence Strategy and presentation on the evidence gaps and priorities. Noting that this work builds on the evidence gathering and assessment as part of the Gambling Act Review advice.
ABSG considered the key questions and evidence gaps to be addressed by the strategy.
5. ABSG – Forward plan and January workshop preparation
ABSG reflected on the previous session and discussed the hierarchy of evidence and how this can apply to the Commission.
(REDACTED) outlined that ABSG have a workshop with Commission staff planned for January 2023 and Board dates have been circulated for 2023.
6. Any Other Business
None notified.