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Board minutes 13 May 2021

Meeting details


Remote meeting


09.30 – 13.30


  • Louise Baxter (LB)
  • Shane Carmichael (SC)
  • Cath Cooney (CC)
  • David Forrest (DF)
  • Anna van der Gaag (AVDG) (Chair)
  • Ian Gilmore (IG)
  • Hermine Graham (HG)
  • Rachel Lampard (RL)
  • Jane West (JW)
  • Philip Newall (PN)
  • Ulla Romild (UR)

Minutes and actions

Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest

AVDG welcomed Board Members to the meeting. Philip Newall and Ulla Romild introduced themselves as new members of ABSG.

There were no new declarations of interest.

Minutes and matters arising from March 2021

The minutes were reviewed and agreed.

Updates from Board Members and Horizon Scanning

LB advised that she had been involved in the tendering process for an evaluation of the credit card ban and will be part of the working group tracking progress once the tender has been awarded.

AVDG has been attended Gambling Commission Board meetings, along with the other Advisory Group Chairs, and gave the group an update on current progress.

Gambling Act Review – Land Based Protections

ABSG considered the questions set out in the Terms of Reference for the Gambling Act review. Commission officials outlined some key areas for Advisory Groups to consider in making land-based gambling safer, including player tracking in premises based gambling, the risks and opportunities of cashless payments and machine number limits.

The group discussed evidence relating to these areas and considered how other jurisdictions are addressing issues, noting particular concerns about the anonymity of cash based gambling and the challenges this presents for tracking. ABSG agreed that further work would be needed to collate evidence from other countries and to take into account issues around money laundering and machine locations.

Gambling Act Review – Age Limits

ABSG considered key questions relating to age limits and discussed the available evidence, products and potential risk and protection factors for young adults. The group discussed how issues such as advertising, the availability of products and the gamification of gambling, parental attitudes, Category D machines and cognitive development can play a part in children and young people’s exposure and access to gambling. The group agreed that previous work on children and young people should be updated to reflect the latest evidence.

National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms – Year 2 Progress Report

AVDG thanked members for their contributions to the development of the progress report. Before signing off a final version, the group considered some specific points in the report in terms of tone and emphasis. The group were asked to submit any final comments on the report by email.

Comments from Members leaving the Board in May 2021

AVDG noted that this would be the final meeting for David Forrest, Ian Gilmore and Rachel Lampard, as their terms of appointment to ABSG would finish at the end of the month. AVDG asked each of the departing members to share their reflections on their time with ABSG.

The group gave their thanks to David, Ian and Rachel for their work on behalf of ABSG and the changes that they have helped to bring about during their time on the Board.

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