23 June 2022 — Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners
Minutes of the meeting of the Board, 13:00, Thursday 23 June 2022.
Location: Remote meeting via Microsoft Teams.
- Marcus Boyle (Chair)
- Terry Babbs
- John Baillie
- Brian Bannister
- Carol Brady
- Jo Hill
- Stephen Cohen
- Trevor Pearce
- Catharine Seddon
Executive team:
- Andrew Rhodes (CEO)
- Sarah Gardner (DCEO)
- Helen Gibson (FD)
- Charlotte Leonard (COO)
- Tim Miller
- Nadine Pemberton Jn Baptiste (Director of Legal)
Other participants:
- (REDACTED) (Board Secretary)
- (REDACTED) (items 6 and 7 only)
- (REDACTED) (item 6 only)
- (REDACTED) (item 6 only)
- (REDACTED) (item 6 only)
- (REDACTED) (notes)
- (REDACTED) (item 6 only)
- (REDACTED) (items 5 and 6 only)
- (REDACTED) (items 4, 5 and 6. only)
- (REDACTED) (item 6 only)
Apologies: John Tanner
1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest
The Chair welcomed attendees to the meeting, commenting it was a real shame that the meeting today could not be in person due to rail strikes.
There was one apology.
There were no new declarations of interest.
2. Minutes, actions and forward look
The minutes of the meeting held on 21 April 2022 were approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
The Board noted the actions log and forward look with no comments.
3. Fourth National Lottery Licence Competition (4NLC) update
In the absence of the 4NLC Senior Responsible Officer (SRO), the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) gave a brief update on 4NLC.
4. Gambling Act Review (GAR) update
The Executive Director of Research and Policy gave a verbal update on the GAR.
5. Lloyds Bank update of indemnity
The Board noted the paper.
6. Consultation proposals
7. Communications strategy 2022 to 2023
The Board noted the strategy paper.
The Director of Communications outlined three specific points from the strategy.
The Board approved the draft strategy as laid out in Annexe A of the paper, subject to the comments made, and to conduct quarterly reviews of our prioritisation at formal Comms and Engagement Group, to allow us the flex to shift the process should the Commission require it.
8. CEO's report
The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) gave an update on recent developments.
Action: Chair and CEO to work offline on priorities and revert to the Board.
9. Annual report and accounts: update and assurance report from Audit and Risk Committee (ARC)
The ARC Chair gave a brief update on the position of the annual report and accounts.
The Board agreed to delegate authority to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chair of ARC to approve the accounts, unless anything substantial comes out of the National Audit Office (NAO) report. The current draft of the annual report has been published in the Board Intelligence (BI) Board reading room for comments from the Board (requested to be sent to the Finance Director by 10:00 on Friday 24 June).
10. Corporate Governance Framework: Appendices 2 and 6
The Board approved the proposed changes to Appendix 2 and Appendix 6 of the Corporate Governance Framework (CGF).
Appendix 2 has a change under ‘business to be transacted’, additional points 14, 15 and 16 as highlighted in the appendix, to clarify the role of the Advisory Group Chairs when attending Board (this is a recommendation from the Governance Sprint and 2021 Board Effectiveness Review).
Appendix 6 will change the delegations in relation to variation of licensing applications (this has been added to close the current lacuna where the decision currently lacks a review mechanism).
11. Any other business
Review of the meeting: Commissioners commented on the significant improvement in the quality of papers and thought that the discussion around the consultation papers was excellent and at just the right level.
12. Below the line items were noted, with no discussion
Chair’s report.
Committee assurance reports to Board, National Lottery Committee, Finance and Performance Committee.
Corporate scorecard.
Decisions by correspondence: spend control request to Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) for Fourth National Lottery Licence Competition (4NLC) legal services.