22 April 2021 - Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners
Location: Virtual meeting by Microsoft Teams
- Bill Moyes (Chair)
- Terry Babbs
- John Baillie
- Brian Bannister
- Carol Brady
- Stephen Cohen
- Jo Hill
- Trevor Pearce
- Catharine Seddon
In attendance:
- Sarah Gardner
- Sally Jones
- Tim Miller (items 1-8)
- John Tanner (item 9)
- Helen Venn
- Richard Watson
- (REDACTED) (Board Secretary)
- (REDACTED) (Legal)
- (REDACTED) (notes) plus attendees for specific items as listed below
- (REDACTED) (Chair DAP)
- (REDACTED) (Chair LEAP) (items 1-7)
- (REDACTED) (Chair)
- (REDACTED) (CEO) Advertising Standards Authority (item 11)
Apologies: None
1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest
There were no apologies.
There were no declarations of interest.
2. Minutes, actions, forward look
The minutes of the meeting held on 25 March 2021 were approved subject to an action being added to item 14, Audit and Risk Committee: Chair’s report, with reference to the Voluntary Exit scheme.
The Board actions were reviewed.
The Board forward look was reviewed.
Action: Add to the Board forward look a short paper and discussion on internationalisation (Deputy CEO and COO to action).
3. Matters arising: Update from 21 April
The Chair updated attendees on the Board away day on 21 April 2021. The away day was not a formal, decision-making event and therefore there are no decisions that the Board need to ratify.
4. Remote customer interaction: risk-based approach
The Board noted the slide deck.
5. Gambling Act Review (GAR) project: emerging thinking
The Board noted the slides.
6. Publishing operator data
The Board noted the slide deck.
7. Fees: consultation response
The Board noted the paper.
8. Stakeholder engagement strategy
The Board noted the paper, key points as follows:
- the strategy has been developed with the Chair, the Executive team and across business areas of the Commission
- it is key that all colleagues engage with stakeholders and not only the Board.
9. National Lottery Competition Committee: Chair’s report and 4NLC update: phase 1 submission
The Board noted the report the Chair’s report.
10. Casework update
The Board noted the slide deck.
11. Gambling and advertising
The Chair welcomed the Chair and CEO of ASA to the meeting.
The CEO gave a brief overview of recent ASA work, followed by a discussion with the Board.
The Chair thanked the Chair and CEO of the ASA and noted that Advisory Board Chairs would also attend for future sessions.
12. Finance report
The Board noted the report.
13. Corporate Risk Review (CRR)
The Board noted the CRR.
14. Governance updates
Appointment of Chair of the Lived Experience Advisory Panel (LEAP): the Board was asked to confirm the appointment of Charles Ritchie as Chair of LEAP. Charles had been selected by members of the panel
The Board asked about the conflicts of interest policy in the Commission and asked the Head of Governance to ensure policies for Commissioners, staff and advisory groups were fit for purpose.
The Board agreed to confirm the appointment of Charles Ritchie as the Chair of LEAP but to reference the review of conflicts of interest policies in his letter of appointment.
Action: Governance to review the Commission’s conflicts of interest policies.
Revised NLC Terms of Reference (ToR): the proposed changes to the ToR have been endorsed by the National Lottery Committee. The Board agreed the proposed changes.
15. Audit and Risk Committee (ARC): Chair’s report
The Board noted the report .
16. Remuneration Committee: Chair’s report
The Board noted the report of the extraordinary meeting on 30 March 2021 to discuss the terms of appointment for advertising an interim Chief Executive.
17. National Lottery Committee: Chair’s report
The Board noted the report.
18. Any other business
Review of the meeting: the Board urged brevity in Board papers, and streamlining of the agenda. They offered to share good examples of paper templates from elsewhere.
Action: Board members to send examples of ‘ideal’ papers to the COO and COO/Board Secretary to look at a narrative to the agenda for future Board meetings.
19. Private SID session
Not minuted.