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2 December 2021 - Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners

Location: Board room, 4th floor, Victoria Square House, Birmingham and Microsoft Teams


  • Marcus Boyle (Chair)
  • Terry Babbs
  • John Baillie
  • Brian Bannister
  • Carol Brady
  • Stephen Cohen
  • Jo Hill
  • Trevor Pearce (via Teams)
  • Catharine Seddon (via Teams)

Executive team:

  • Andrew Rhodes (CEO)
  • Sarah Gardner (DCEO)
  • Charlotte Leonard (Interim COO)
  • Vin Wijeratne (Interim CFO)
  • Tim Miller
  • Nadine Pemberton (Legal)
  • John Tanner
  • Helen Venn

Other participants:

  • (REDACTED) (Board Secretary)
  • (REDACTED) (notes)

Apologies: None

1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest

The Chair welcomed Vin Wijeratne and Charlotte Leonard to the meeting, and they introduced themselves to the Board.

There were no new declarations of interest.

There were no apologies received.

2. Minutes, Actions and Forward Look

The minutes of the meetings held on 16 September 2021 and 13 October 2021 were agreed as a true record.


The actions log and forward look were not discussed.

3. Compliance and enforcement: a new strategy (for steer)

The Board noted the paper.

4. Gambling Act Review

The Board noted the draft advice and cover note. The final version of the Commission’s draft advice will be submitted close to the publication of the White Paper.


The CEO gave a verbal update on finance issues, people, recruitment and the pace of work ahead, reflecting on the past six months in post and looking ahead over the next year.


7. Strategy Updates


The Board noted the paper on internationalisation.


External Reports Update

The Board noted the paper, which provides an update on the recommendations and progress made to date on the NAO and PAC reports.


8. Finance Report

The Board noted the report.


10. Risk Appetite

1The Board noted that the Audit and Risk Committee had discussed risk appetite at their meeting yesterday.


11. Board Effectiveness Review: findings and action plan

The Board Secretary presented the paper, which included a summary of feedback received.


12. Committee Assurance Reports

Audit and Risk Committee: a verbal report was given by the Chair of ARC, because the meeting took place on 1 December.


Finance and Performance Committee: the Board noted the report.


Remuneration Committee: the Board noted the report.

The RNC Chair advised that an item on succession planning for Commissioners is to be added to the RNC Forward Look.

National Lottery Committee: the Board noted the report.

Reset Project Board Close-down: the Board noted the report.

The Board approved the proposal to close the Reset Project Board and noted that RNC will continue tracking Reset deliverables and metrics.

13. 4th National Lottery update briefing

The Board noted the report.


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