16 September 2021 - Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Commissioners
Location: Board room, 4th floor, Victoria Square House, Birmingham
- Marcus Boyle (Chair)
- Terry Babbs (FPC Chair)
- John Baillie
- Brian Bannister
- Carol Brady
- Stephen Cohen
- Jo Hill,
- Trevor Pearce
- Catharine Seddon
Executive team:
- Andrew Rhodes (CEO)
- Sarah Gardner (DCEO)
- Tim Miller
- Nadine Pemberton (Legal)
- John Tanner
- Helen Venn
Other participants:
- (REDACTED) (Board Secretary)
- (REDACTED) (notes)
- (REDACTED) (items 6, 7 and 9 only – via Teams)
- (REDACTED)(item 10.1 only – via Teams)
- (REDACTED) (Chair, ABSG)
- (REDACTED) (Chair, DAP)
- (REDACTED) (Chair, LEAP) (items 6 and 7 only)
Apologies: None
1. Welcome, apologies and declarations of interest
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Chair introduced himself and asked other attendees to do the same.
There were no apologies.
Declarations of interest: the following declarations of interest were formally noted:
- Marcus Boyle: Chair of the British American Drama Academy and a Trustee of the Serpentine Gallery
- Jo Hill: non-Executive Director of the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority, from 1 July 2021
- Andrew Rhodes: announced as Chair of the Swansea City AFC Foundation, from 14 August 2021.
2. Introducing Marcus Boyle
The Chair remarked he would give his initial impressions at the end of the meeting.
3. Minutes, actions, forward look
The minutes of the meetings held on 17 June, 16 July and 30 July 2021 were approved as a true and accurate record of the meeting.
The actions log and forward look were not discussed.
4. CEO report to Board
The CEO gave a verbal update on finance issues, the Commission’s relationship with DCMS, confidence of the Commission’s workforce, resource constraints and horizon scanning for the next two years, noting this will be a challenging time for the Commission.
5. Regulatory issues
Economic crime levy (ECL)
Casework update
The Executive Director Licensing and Compliance highlighted the main focus areas of the report.
The CEO noted all recruitment for Licensing, Compliance and Enforcement has been approved.
Commissioners expressed their support for the work being done by Licensing, Compliance and Enforcement Teams.
6. Customer interaction update
The Board noted the paper.
7. Draft advice from Advisory Groups on the Gambling Act Review
The Board noted the draft advice.
8. Lunch and discussion with Chair and CEO of GambleAware (GA)
The Chair welcomed the Chair and CEO of GA to the meeting.
The Chair and CEO of GA thanked the Board for inviting them and gave a brief update on their work to date.
9. Gambling Act Review advice
The Board noted the paper.
The Board noted the paper.
Board Effectiveness Review: this item has been deferred and will return to Board for discussion at a later date.
Corporate Governance Framework (CGF) updates: the following recommendations were approved by the Board:
- proposed changes to the Remuneration Committee terms of reference (appendix 11 of the CGF)
- the proposed changed to the delegation of licensing and regulatory decisions (appendix 6 of the CGF)
- the content of the Adjudicator Governance Framework, and its addition to the Corporate Governance Framework as appendix 14 of the CGF.
Action: Board Secretary to circulate the revised framework agreement with DCMS to the Board for information.
12. Committee assurance reports
Audit and Risk Committee (ARC)
The Board noted the report, with no further comments.
Finance and Performance Committee (FPC)
The Board noted the report.
Remuneration Committee
The Board noted the report, with no further comments.
The Board noted the report. The Reset Chair commented that there is a good reporting dashboard in place and progress has been made against actions and recommendations.
National Lottery Committee
The Board noted the report, with no further comments.
National Lottery Competition Committee
The Board noted the report, with no further comments.
13. Any other business and review of the meeting
There was no other business to report.
Review of the meeting: Board members were of the opinion that the meeting was conducted at a good pace, focusing on key issues, with a balanced discussion on strategic issues. The Board welcomed meeting in person and also the way in which Advisory Board Chairs joined the meeting for specific items.
14. Commissioners & interim CEO private session
This session was minuted separately.