Local Area Network (LAN) environment
Can I please make a request under the Freedom of Information Act and I would like to request the following information about the organisation’s Local Area Network (LAN) environment. You may have received the same request in the past and this information sent has now expired and I require an update as soon as possible for the following information Please can you send me the organisation’s Local Area Network (LAN) contract, which may include the following:
- Support and Maintenance- e.g. switches, router, software etc
- Managed- If this includes services than just LAN.
- Contract Type: Managed or Maintenance
- Existing Supplier: Who is the current supplier?
- Annual Spend for each supplier: What is the annual average spending on the supplier above? If there is more than one supplier, please split the annual averages spent for each supplier.
- Number of Users: Please can you provide me with the number of users this contract covers. Approximate number of users will also be acceptable.
- Number of Sites: The number of sites, where equipment is supported by each contract.
- Hardware Brand: What is the hardware brand of the LAN equipment?
- Contract Description: Please provide me with a brief description of the overall contract.
- Contract Duration: What is the duration of the contract and can you please also include any extensions this may include.
- Contract Expiry Date: When does the contract expire?
- Contract Review Date: When will the organisation be planning to review the contract?
- Responsible Officer: Contact details including name, job title, contact number and email address?
If the LAN maintenance is included in-house please include the following information:
- Hardware Brand: What is the hardware brand of the LAN equipment?
- Number of Users: Please can you provide me with the number of users this contract covers. Approximate number of users will also be acceptable.
- Number of Sites: Estimated/Actual number of sites the LAN covers.
- Responsible Officer: Who within the organisation is responsible for LAN please provide me with contact details including name, job title, contact number and email address?
If the contract is managed by a 3rd party e.g. Can you please provide me with
- Existing Supplier: Who is the current supplier?
- Number of Users: Please can you provide me with the number of users this contract covers. Approximate number of users will also be acceptable.
- Number of Sites: Estimated/Actual number of sites the LAN covers.
- Contract Type: Managed, Maintenance, Installation, Software
- Hardware Brand: What is the hardware brand of the LAN equipment?
- Contract Description: Please provide me with a brief description of the overall contract.
- Contract Duration: What is the duration of the contract and can you please also include any extensions this may include.
- Contract Expiry Date: When does the contract expire?
- Contract Review Date: When will the organisation be planning to review the contract?
- Responsible Officer: Who within the organisation is responsible for each of these contract(s) please provide me with contact details including name, job title, contact number and email address?
Thank you for your request which has been processed under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA).
The Gambling Commissions responses to your enquiries are as follows:
- Contract Type: Managed or Maintenance
Managed and maintenance
- Existing Supplier: Who is the current supplier?
Claranet provide the leased lines for 2 sites Gamma provide internet line in Watford Koris365 maintain the network infrastructure
Internal physical/virtual servers maintained by the Gambling Commission
- Annual Spend for each supplier: What is the annual average spending on the supplier above? If there is more than one supplier, please split the annual averages spent for each supplier.
Claranet approx. £129k ex VAT Gamma £4k Koris365 £54k
- Number of Users: Please can you provide me with the number of users this contract covers. Approximate number of users will also be acceptable.
- Number of Sites: The number of sites, where equipment is supported by each contract.
- Hardware Brand: What is the hardware brand of the LAN equipment?
Cisco HP
- Contract Description: Please provide me with a brief description of the overall contract.
Support for upgrades, firmware revisions, fix/replace faulty hardware, day to day support and maintenance.
- Contract Duration: What is the duration of the contract and canyou please also include any extensions this may include.
Claranet – 2 years Gamma – 1 year Koris365 – 4 years
- Contract Expiry Date: When does the contract expire?
Claranet - expires Nov 2023 Gamma March 2024 Koris365 31st March 2026
- Contract Review Date: When will the organisation be planning to review the contract?
3 months before expiry dates of contracts
- Responsible Officer: Contact details including name, job title,contact number and email address?
The job title of the person from within the organisation responsible for these contracts is - Procurement Manager. Any enquiries can be directed to: procurement@gamblingcommission.gov.uk
If the LAN maintenance is included in-house please include the following information:
- HardwareBrand: What is the hardware brand of the LAN equipment?
- Number of Users: Please can you provide me with the number of users this contract covers. Approximate number of users will also be acceptable.
- Number of Sites: Estimated/Actual number of sites the LAN covers.
- Responsible Officer: Who within the organisation is responsible for LAN please provide me with contact details including name, job title, contact number and email address?
The job title of the person from within the organisation responsible for these contracts is - Procurement Manager. Any enquiries can be directed to: procurement@gamblingcommission.gov.uk
If the contract is managed by a 3rd party e.g. Can you please provide me with
- Existing Supplier: Who is the current supplier?
- Number of Users: Please can you provide me with the number of users this contract covers. Approximate number of users will also be acceptable.
- Number of Sites: Estimated/Actual number of sites the LAN covers.
- Contract Type: Managed, Maintenance, Installation, Software
- Hardware Brand: What is the hardware brand of the LAN equipment?
- Contract Description: Please provide me with a brief description of the overall contract.
- Contract Duration: What is the duration of the contract and can you please also include any extensions this may include.
- Contract Expiry Date: When does the contract expire?
- Contract Review Date: When will the organisation be planning to review the contract?
- Responsible Officer: Who within the organisation is responsible for each of these contract(s) please provide me with contact details including name, job title,contact number and email address?
Review of the decision
If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your Freedom of Information request you are entitled to an internal review of our decision. You should write to FOI Team, Gambling Commission, 4th floor, Victoria Square House, Victoria Square, Birmingham, B2 4BP or by reply to this email.
Please note, internal review requests should be made within 40 working days of the initial response. Requests made outside this timeframe will not be processed.
If you are not content with the outcome of our review, you may then apply directly to the Information Commissioner (ICO) for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have already exhausted the review procedure provided by the Gambling Commission.
The ICO can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner’s Office (opens in a new tab), Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.
Information Management Team
Gambling Commission
Victoria Square House
Victoria Square
Birmingham B2 4BP