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Statistics and research release

Young People and Gambling 2023: Official statistics

Gambling Commission report produced by Ipsos on young people and their gambling behaviour, attitudes and awareness in 2023.

Official statistics


About this statistical release

This publication provides information about young people’s exposure to and involvement in regulated and unregulated forms of gambling, and the prevalence of problem gambling.

The findings presented in this publication are taken from the annual Young People and Gambling Survey, conducted in 2023 by Ipsos on behalf of the Gambling Commission. The study collected data from 3,453 pupils aged 11 to 17 years old across curriculum years 7 to 12 (S1 to S6 in Scotland) using the Ipsos Young People Omnibus. For the first time, pupils from independent schools were also invited to take part in the research alongside pupils attending academies and maintained secondary schools. Pupils completed an online self-report survey in class. Fieldwork took place between February and July 2023.

In contrast to our previous surveys, which have focused on exploring gambling behaviour among 11 to 16 year olds, this year's survey incorporates data gathered from 17 year olds. This is an important development in enhancing our understanding of gambling behaviour among young people and contributes to the ongoing improvement of our evidence base. Nevertheless, in light of this change, any comparisons with data from previous surveys should be interpreted with caution.

Key facts

Just over one quarter (26 percent) of 11 to 17 year olds had spent their own money on any gambling activity in the twelve months prior to completing the survey. This represents a 5 percentage point decrease in active participation in gambling compared with rates observed in 2022.

The most common types of gambling activity that young people spent their own money on were legal or did not feature age restricted products, namely:

  • playing arcade gaming machines such as penny pusher or claw grab machines (19 percent)
  • placing a bet for money between friends or family (11 percent)
  • playing cards with friends or family for money (5 percent).

One in 5 (19 percent) young people had spent their own money on regulated forms of gambling in the past 12 months reducing to 4 percent when removing ‘arcade gaming machines’ from the definition of regulated forms of gambling.

The youth-adapted problem gambling screen (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th Edition - Multiple Response Juvenile (DSM-IV-MR-J )) identified 0.7 percent of 11 to 17 year olds as problem gamblers and 1.5 percent as at risk gamblers, and 23 percent as non-problem gamblers. Rates of problem and ‘at risk’ gambling have declined since 2022 by 0.2 percentage points, and 0.9 percentage points, respectively.

Over half of young people had seen or heard gambling advertising via online or offline platforms (Online: 53 percent; Offline: 55 percent). This represents a significant decline in exposure to gambling advertisements since last year (2022 findings: Online: 63 percent; Offline: 66 percent). Young people were most likely to report seeing gambling advertising on television (47 percent) or on an app (45 percent).

Most (80 percent) young people who spent their own money gambling in the last 12 months, did so because they regard it as a fun thing to do. Less than one in five (17 percent) agree that gambling makes them feel happy, more (29 percent) disagreed that it made them happy and a similar proportion (28 percent) were unsure either way.

Three in ten (28 percent) young people had seen family members they live with gamble. Of these, 10 percent indicated it had resulted in arguments or tension at home. However, over one in ten (12 percent) said that gambling by a family member had helped to pay for things at home for example holidays, trips or clubs.



Active involvement in gambling: Young people who spent their own money (defined as any pocket money, birthday money or money they earned themselves) on gambling.

Experience of gambling: Young people who have gambled, but not necessarily spending their own money on doing so.

Problem gambling: The DSM-IV-MR-J screen1 has been applied to the Young People and Gambling Survey dataset to classify whether respondents who are actively involved in gambling are experiencing problem or at-risk gambling or are non-problem gamblers.

Who is this publication for?

The data in this publication may be of interest to members of the public, policy officials, academics, gambling charities or those working within the gambling industry. The statistics are used by the Commission and within Government for a wide variety of purposes.

Some of the main uses include:

  • understanding how many young people are actively spending their own money on gambling and the types of gambling they are spending their money on
  • also understanding the types of gambling young people are taking part in but not necessarily spending their own money on doing so
  • measuring what proportion of young gamblers are classified as at risk or problem gamblers according to the DSM-IV-MR-J
  • understanding why young people choose to gamble, and when they gamble where they are and who they are with. Conversely also understanding why young people choose not to gamble.

Full publication and key information

View the Young People and Gambling 2023 report.

Publication produced by: Ipsos.

Supporting documents produced by: Gambling Commission Research and Statistics Team.

Responsible Statisticians: Helen Bryce (Head of Statistics) and Helen Ruddock (Research and Impact Manager).

Next release date: November 2024.

Historic datasets

Young People and Gambling Surveys 2011 to 2019, and 2022 historic datasets are available on the UK Data Archive.

Interactive dashboard

View our Young People and Gambling 2023 interactive dashboard (opens in a new tab)

Accessibility of this dashboard

This dashboard is in Microsoft Power BI which may not fully support all accessibility needs. You can find the source data in Young people and gambling 2023 - Official statistics.

Some files may not be accessible for users of assistive technology. If you require a copy of the file in an accessible format contact us with details of what you require. It would help us to know what technology you use and the required format.


1 Fisher, S (2000). Developing the DSM-IV Criteria to identify Adolescent Problem Gambling in Non-Clinical Populations, Journal of Gambling Studies Volume 16 No. 2/3.

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