Statistics and research release
Affordability data
The Gambling Commission collected data showing the number of accounts reaching certain net expenditure limits during a range of periods. We collected data from a range of operators representing approximately 5.86 million active accounts.
Also published recently
The data and why we collected it
To help inform our work on customer interaction and affordability, the Gambling Commission collected data from a range of operators representing approximately 5.86 million active accounts from the period from May 2020 to April 2021. The data shows the number of accounts reaching certain net expenditure limits during a range of periods.
The time frame for the data collection was May 2020 to April 2021. This 12 month period was selected because it was the most recent 12 month period at the time of the data request. During this period there was some disruption to the gambling market as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic but this disruption was mainly in the land based sectors which were not covered by this data request.
The data was collected to inform our ongoing policy considerations, it is classified as management information and does not constitute official statistics.
Alongside this dataset we have also used data from the call for evidence responses which relates to the period from November 2019 to October 2020. While the dates of some of this data differ from those of the main dataset, the data provides a useful insight into expenditure thresholds.
How this data should be used
This data should be considered together with other information such as the problem gambling and at-risk rates, population level data about discretionary income and information from the Health Survey.
The dataset can be used when giving consideration of appropriate threshold levels for undertaking affordability assessments.
Each expenditure limit should be considered in isolation from the others.
It is also important to note that consumer playing patterns may differ across operators.
Data and downloads
We are always keen to hear how these statistics are used and would welcome your views on this publication.