Annual Report and Accounts 2021 to 2022
The Gambling Commission's 2021 to 2022 Annual Report and Accounts.
Financial management
The Gambling Commission’s fee income continues to be subject to some uncertainty, as the industry continues to recover post the Covid-19 pandemic. However, we attempt to mitigate this through regular review and re-forecast of income throughout the year. Whilst we forecast prudently, in the event of losing a further significant proportion of our income, there remains a risk that we may not be able to reduce our expenditure (which is largely employee-based) as swiftly as needed to avoid larger in-year deficits than currently planned within the medium-term financial plan. These risks are addressed as part of the budgeting process, through prudent planning and long-term management of reserves.
Throughout the year, the risk to the Commission’s income and expenditure profile is continually reviewed through close monitoring of actual income and expenditure and forecasts. The Commission holds reserves as a matter of prudent financial management, principally so that it can fund substantial legal action in furtherance of its regulatory objectives, manage short-term fluctuations in its licensing income, and provide for foreseeable but not yet certain liabilities such as dilapidations. As an arms-length body the Commission does not hold reserve to cover terminal liabilities as these would be met by its parent government department.
To ensure we maintain robust controls over our expenditure we continually review our procurement arrangements. A central contracts database is in place to ensure that procurement processes are compliant, and all contracts are brought in line with central frameworks where applicable. There has been one reported actual or attempted fraud at the Commission during 2021-22 which resulted in no losses. However, given the high profile of the gambling industry and the Commission within the public domain, it is important that the Commission remains proactive in identifying instances where there is potential for fraud and corruption.
The quality assurance mechanisms which have been developed for the compliance and enforcement processes depend on accurate, timely and complete information to help safeguard the Commission's professional integrity and improve operational efficiency.
To ensure we maintain tight control over our expenditure we continually review our procurement arrangements. A central contracts database is in place to ensure that procurement processes are compliant, and all contracts are brought in line with central frameworks where applicable.
Last updated: 31 August 2022
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