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Annual Report and Accounts 2020 to 2021

The Gambling Commission's 2020 to 2021 Annual Report and Accounts

  1. Contents
  2. Statement of the Commission and Accounting Officer’s responsibilities

Statement of the Commission and Accounting Officer’s responsibilities

Under the Act, the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has directed the Commission to prepare for each financial year a statement of accounts in the form and on the basis set out in the Accounts Direction. The accounts are prepared on an accrual basis and must give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Commission and of its income and expenditure, statement of Financial Position and cash flows for the financial year.

In preparing the accounts the Commission and Accounting Officer are required to comply with the requirements of the Government Financial Reporting Manual and in particular to:

  • observe the Accounts Direction issued by the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, including the relevant accounting and disclosure requirements, and apply suitable accounting policies on a consistent basis
  • make judgments and estimates on a reasonable basis
  • state whether applicable accounting standards as set out in the Government Financial Reporting Manual have been followed, and disclose and explain any material departures in the financial statements
  • prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis
  • confirm that the Annual Report and Accounts as a whole is fair, balanced and understandable and take personal responsibility for the Annual Report and Accounts and the judgements required for determining that it is fair, balanced and understandable.

The Accounting Officer of DCMS has designated me as the Commission’s Interim Chief Executive Officer and as Accounting Officer of the Commission. The responsibilities of an Accounting Officer, including responsibility for the propriety and regularity of the public finances for which the Accounting Officer is answerable, for keeping proper records and for safeguarding the Commission’s assets, are set out in Managing Public Money published by the HM Treasury.

As the Accounting Officer I have taken all the steps that I ought to have taken to make myself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Commission’s auditors are aware of that information. So far as I am aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the auditors are unaware.

Andrew Rhodes
Interim Chief Executive and Accounting Officer
6 July 2021

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