Annual Report and Accounts 2020 to 2021
The Gambling Commission's 2020 to 2021 Annual Report and Accounts
Governance Statement for the year ended 31 March 2021
I became accounting officer on 15 June 2021, taking over from Sarah Gardner who held the position from 15 March following the resignation of former chief executive, Neil McArthur. Since being appointed as accounting officer, a full and comprehensive handover has commenced between Sarah Gardner and myself.
The Gambling Commission Board
The Board has complied with government guidance for corporate governance in arm’s length bodies. Four new Commissioners were appointed during the year, with two Commissioners leaving during the same period. Two Commissioners terms were due to end in April 2021, but their reappointments were announced by DCMS in March 2021.
New Commissioners go through an extensive programme of induction and training to ensure a solid foundation of knowledge about consumer issues in gambling and the operating environment and diversity of the sector. We also work closely with DCMS to ensure careful management of recruitment of new Commissioners, so that at all times the board has sufficient experience and expertise.
Governance framework
The board of commissioners, led by the chair, Bill Moyes, oversees the business of the Commission. The day-to-day activity of the Commission is managed by the leadership team, led by me as chief executive and accounting officer. Commissioners are responsible for the strategic direction of the organisation and oversee delivery of the Commission’s business plan. Commissioners also retain direct responsibility for some regulatory decisions, such as complex licence applications.
The Commission monitors its performance using an outcome-based framework built around its statutory duties and business plan. Performance against these outcomes is monitored by the board on a regular basis, with updates being provided by the Executive team on the Commission’s performance covering operational management and delivery and a range of strategic measures on at least a quarterly basis. The accounting officer has personal responsibility for stewardship of the organisation’s resources, consistent with the duties and requirements set out in Managing Public Money.
The executive has overall accountability for delivery of the Commission’s strategic objectives. It is supported by the Finance and Performance Group, a group of programme directors and heads of function, which monitors progress and resourcing in business plan delivery. The Commission also reports on performance to DCMS, sharing the data and information set out in the management agreement.
Last updated: 21 July 2021
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