Martin Henry Bailey
Following a licence review under section 116 of the Gambling Act 2005 (“the Act”), the Commission determined to revoke the operating licence issued to Martin Henry Bailey (“the Licensee”), under section 119(1) of the Act.
The Commission found the Licensee:
1. Breached the following conditions of its operating licence:?
- Licence condition 5.1.1 - Cash and cash equivalents
- Paragraph 2 of licence condition 7.1.1 - Fair and transparent terms and practices
- Paragraph 1 of licence condition 12.1.1 Anti-money laundering - Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- Paragraph 2 of licence condition 12.1.1 Anti-money laundering - Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- Paragraph 3 of licence condition 12.1.1 Anti-money laundering - Prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing
- Licence condition 14.1.1 - Access to Premises
- Licence condition 15.2.1 - Reporting key events
2. Breached section 82 of the Act by failing to comply with the following social responsibility code provisions:?
- Paragraphs 1, 2 (a), 3 and 6 of social responsibility code provision 3.2.7 - Access to Gambling by Children and Young Persons
- Paragraphs 1 and 2 (a to d), 3 and 4 of social responsibility code provision 3.3.1 - Responsible gambling information
- Paragraphs 1 (a and b) and 2 of social responsibility code provision 3.4.1 - Customer interaction
- Paragraphs 1, 6 (a to d) and 7 of social responsibility code provision 3.5.1 - Self-exclusion
- Social responsibility code provision 3.5.6 - Multi-operator non-remote SR code
- Paragraphs 1 (a to j) and 3 of social responsibility code provision 4.2.6 - Display of Rules
- Paragraph 1, and acted contrary to Paragraph 2 (a and b), of social responsibility code provision 10.1.1 - Local Risks to the Licensing Objectives
3. was unsuitable to carry on the licensed activities.?