Corporate Governance Framework
Our corporate governance framework sets out the necessary responsibilities and procedures that guarantee we operate properly.
Annex A: Guidance
Corporate governance
The Gambling Commission shall comply with the following guidance, documents and instructions for issues related to corporate governance:
- this framework document
- Corporate Governance Code for Central Government Departments (relevant to Arm’s Length Bodies) and supporting guidance (opens in new tab)
- Code of conduct for Board members of Public Bodies (opens in new tab)
- Code of practice for partnerships between Departments and Arm’s Length Bodies (opens in new tab).
Financial management and reporting
The Commission shall comply with the following guidance, documents and instructions for issues related to financial management and reporting:
- the Government's Managing Public Money (MPM) document (opens in new tab)
- Government Financial Reporting Manual (FReM) document (opens in new tab)
- Relevant Dear Accounting Officer (DAO) letters (opens in new tab)
- relevant guidance and instructions issued by the Treasury in respect of Whole of Government Accounts (opens in new tab)
- The most recent letter setting out the delegated authorities, issued by the parent department.
Management of risk
The Commission shall comply with the following guidance, documents and instructions for issues related to the management of risk:
- the management risk sections of the Government's Orange Book (opens in new tab) and Management of risk in Government framework documents (opens in new tab)
- Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (opens in new tab)
- HM Treasury approval processes for Major Projects above delegated limits (opens in new tab)
- the Government cyber-security strategy and cyber security guidance (opens in new tab) and guidance on cyber security for businesses in the Management of risk in government framework (opens in new tab).
Commercial management
The Commission shall comply with the following guidance, documents and instructions for issues related to commercial management:
- Procurement Policy Notes (opens in new tab)
- the Cabinet Office spending controls (opens in new tab)
- the Government's guidance to transparency in supply chains (opens in new tab).
Public appointments
The following are relevant where public bodies participate in public appointments processes:
- Guidance from the Commissioner for Public Appointments (opens in new tab)
- Governance Code on Public Appointments (opens in new tab)
- Procurement Policy Note 08/15 – Tax Arrangements of Public Appointees (opens in new tab)
Staff and remuneration
The Commission shall comply with the following guidance, documents and instructions for issues related to staff and remuneration:
- HM Treasury guidance on senior pay and reward (opens in new tab)
- Civil Service pay guidance (updated annually) (opens in new tab)
- Public sector pay and terms (opens in new tab)
- Whistleblowing Guidance and Code of Practice (opens in new tab)
- The Equalities Act 2010 (opens in new tab).
The Commission shall comply with the following guidance, documents and instruction for general issues:
- Freedom of Information Act (opens in new tab and guidance and instructions (opens in new tab)
- The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s Principles of Good Administration (opens in new tab).
- The Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman’s Principles of Good Administration (opens in new tab).
- other relevant instructions and guidance issued by the central Departments (Cabinet Office and HM Treasury)
- Recommendations made by the Public Accounts Committee, or by other Parliamentary authority, that have been accepted by the Government and are relevant to the Gambling Commission
- Guidance from the Public Bodies team in Cabinet Office: (opens in new tab)
- the Civil Service diversity and inclusion strategy (opens in new tab) (outlines the ambition, to which Arm’s Length Bodies can contribute)
- Guidance produced by the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) on management of major projects (opens in new tab)
- The Government Digital Service (opens in new tab)
- The Government Fraud, Error, Debt and Grant Efficiency function (opens in new tab) and information on grant standards (opens in new tab)
- Code of Practice for Official Statistics (opens in new tab)
- Accounting Officer System Statements (AOSS are produced by departments with input from ALBs)(opens in new tab).
Reviews and winding up arrangements
Last updated: 17 October 2024
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