Corporate Governance Framework
Our corporate governance framework sets out the necessary responsibilities and procedures that guarantee we operate properly.
Delegations of functions under the Gambling Act 2005 (the 2005 Act)
- Licensing decisions: grant or refusal of applications for licenses Whom can be delegated to in the event of granting or refusing licence applications.
- Licensing: continuance applications Whom can be delegated to in the event of granting a continuous licence application.
- Licensing: variation applications Whom can be delegated to in the event of approving licence variation applications.
- Licensing: single-machine supply and maintenance permit applications Whom can be delegated to in the event of approving Single-machine supply and maintenance permit applications.
- Licensing: administrative suspensions and/or revocations Whom can be delegated to in the event of licence suspension and/or revocation.
- Licensing: annual fees Whom can be delegated to in the event of overruling the automatic revocation of a licence for non payment of annual fees..
- Regulatory decisions: lapse Whom can be delegated to in the event of determining whether a licence has lapsed.
- Regulatory decisions: deciding to conduct a licence review Whom can be delegated to in the event of determining whether to conduct a licence review.
- Decisions following a review of an operating or personal licence Whom can be delegated to in the event of taking regulatory action after an operating or personal licence review.
- Other decisions Whom can be delegated to in the event of taking other regulatory decisions.
- Voiding decisions Whom can be delegated to in the event of voiding decisions.
- Decisions in relation to premises licence applications Whom can be delegated to in the event of making decisions in relation to premises licence applications.
- Prosecution decisions Whom can be delegated to in the event of making the decision to prosecute or caution a person for an offence under the Gambling Act 2005.
Delegation of powers pursuant to paragraph 8 of Schedule 4 to the Gambling Act 2005 (as amended) Next section
Appendix A: Delegation of decisions of the Gambling Commission as a competent authority under the Alternative Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes (Competent Authorities and Information) Regulations 2015 (as amended) (the Regulations)
Last updated: 27 February 2023
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