Corporate Governance Framework
Our corporate governance framework sets out the necessary responsibilities and procedures that guarantee we operate properly.
1. The aim of this policy is to provide employees with a procedure for reporting any unlawful conduct at work and to reassure them that they can be confident in exposing wrongdoing without any risk to themselves.
2. All of us at one time or another may have concerns about what is happening at work. Usually, these concerns can be easily resolved. However, when they are about possible unlawful conduct, fraud, risks to the public or the environment, or other malpractice, it can be difficult to know what to do.
3. Many people in this situation worry about reporting their concerns and may feel inclined to keep them to themselves, perhaps because the concern is only a suspicion or because they feel it is ‘none of their business’. They may feel that they are being disloyal to colleagues, management, or to the Commission. They may also have concerns about being branded a trouble maker or about their job security or prospects.
Last updated: 27 February 2023
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