National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms newsletter
30 January 2020
This newsletter highlights the significant work underway and more detail behind progress being made by partners to reduce gambling harms through implementing the National Strategy.
Spotlight on innovation to adopt a public health approach to reducing gambling harms
Public health teams and local authorities across Great Britain are taking innovative and varied approaches to implementing the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms and make real progress towards preventing gambling harm.
These initiatives usually come from a variety of sources – financial inclusion teams, public health, health and social care as well as licensing teams but, like the National Strategy itself, success depends on engagement and participation of a wide range of agencies – statutory, third sector partners, gambling operators, regulators and treatment providers, front line staff and management. Read about some of that activity, and find out more about getting involved.
Strategy implementation update
Over the last six months significant progress has been made towards implementing the Strategy and working towards the aim to go further and faster to reduce gambling harms, and a clear picture is emerging showing the scale of actions partners are taking to deliver the Strategy, and importantly, where more needs to be done to make real progress. An updated implementation actions map and summary have been published.
Regulatory settlements – funds to target activity towards preventing harm
As part of enforcement action taken against gambling operators for regulatory breaches, the operator can offer to make a payment in lieu of a financial penalty to be spent on socially responsible purposes. In late 2018, the Gambling Commission put in place a process to review and approve projects subject to this type of funding, and so far more than £8m has gone towards projects to accelerate delivery of the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms.
Find out more about the process and how this money is making a real impact.
Get involved
Money and Mental Health update
The Money and Mental Health Policy Institute is undertaking a new two-year work programme aimed at engaging financial services firms with efforts to tackle gambling related harm. It will be running a series of events, including a one-day conference to highlight the latest evidence on initiatives to address gambling related harm, as well as launching a best practice hub with resources on how financial firms can contribute to these efforts. Find out more, including how you can get involved (opens in new tab).
Centre for Public Scrutiny
The Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS) – the national centre of expertise on governance and scrutiny - is calling for local authorities to provide details of scrutiny work related to local strategies and activities to tackle gambling harms.
Expressions of interest are also sought from councils wishing to take part in local inquiry days. Getting involved means that your council will be supported by the CfPS in looking at the way it addresses the impact of gambling harms on your local community. It will also be able to call on CfPS expertise and help to identify further ways which scrutiny can improve this work.
The insight and learning will be shared via national learning events and a new publication. For more details or arrange an initial conversation please email
Gambling Research Exchange
Gambling Research Exchange (GREO) are supporting the strategy, focusing on the dissemination of research, applying research to policy and international collaboration. They are developing a research microsite and have published their first research bulletin “What’s new in gambling research?” (opens in new tab) to support the strategy. The first edition also includes a sign-up link (opens in new tab).
If you would like to share your own work to support the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms please contact
Last updated: 20 August 2021
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