Latest industry statistics published April 2009 to March 2014
27 November 2014
The Gambling Commission has published industry statistics for the five-year period 1 April 2009 to 31 March 2014.
The figures provided for April 2013 to March 2014 are provisional (6) at this stage.
The Gambling Commission has also published an Excel version of the statistics to provide more transparency and an element of interactivity with the figures.
Findings include:
- the British gambling industry, as regulated by the Commission, generated a gross gambling yield (GGY) of over £6.8bn between April 2013 and March 2014, a rise of almost £0.4bn (6%) compared to the period April 2012 to March 2013
- the non-remote betting sector represents the largest market with a 47% share of GGY
- growth is biggest for remote betting, bingo and casino (22%) and casinos (15%) compared to last year
- other sectors showing growth are arcades, betting, and large society lotteries. Only the bingo sector experienced a decrease in GGY between the two most recent reporting periods
- GGY for B2 machines in betting shops was over £1.56bn, an increase of just under £17.6m (1%) on the figure for the previous reporting period, set against a 4% increase in the number of B2 machines
- 102,715 people were employed across the industry, a drop of 5,357 from the previous reporting period.
This is the first edition of Industry Statistics to include sales figures for the National Lottery, for which sales were £6.7bn during the period April 2013 to March 2014.
You can view the industry statistics on our website.
Note to editors
- The Gambling Commission regulates gambling in the public interest alongside its co-regulators local licensing authorities. It does so by keeping crime out of gambling, by ensuring that gambling is conducted fairly and openly, and by protecting children and vulnerable people from being harmed or exploited by gambling. Subject to these overriding public protection objectives, as regulator of the National Lottery the Commission monitors and challenges Camelot to raise the maximum amount for good causes. The Commission also provides independent advice to government on gambling in Britain.
- The Commission and local licensing authorities are responsible for licensing and regulating all gambling in Great Britain other than spread betting, which is the responsibility of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) (opens in new tab).
- See the What we do section of our website for information on legal advice (opens in new tab).
- Overall, the UK remote consumer market has been estimated to have a GGY of £2.44bn (source: H2 Gambling Capital). However, following introduction of the Gambling (Licensing and Advertising) Act on 1 November 2014, all operators trading with customers in Britain must be licensed by the Commission and therefore must provide figures for the remote consumer market. These figures which will be published in future industry statistics..
- In submitting regulatory return information for a machine or a terminal that offers games that equate to different machine categories, operators are required to submit information based on the highest category of game available. For example, if a terminal offers category B2 and B3 games, operators are advised to count this as a category B2 terminal. For this reason, the B2 figures above should be viewed with caution as the split between B2 and B3 game play is not clear (and therefore a portion of the GGY attributed to B2 machines above will have been generated through B3 game play).
- See paragraph 5 of the Industry Statistics preface for more information
For all media enquiries, please contact the Gambling Commission press office.
Last updated: 13 June 2024
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