Gambling Commission opens consultation on high value ‘VIP’ customers
19 June 2020
The Gambling Commission is today seeking views on proposed changes to the rules operators must abide by when transacting with high value customers.
The consultation follows collaborative work with the industry following three challenges laid down by the Gambling Commission to make gambling safer and reduce harm across the sector. The Commission challenged the industry to make faster progress in raising standards in relation to VIP incentives, responsible product and game design, and online advertising.
Today the Commission also published a report on phase one of the Gambling Commission’s Industry Challenge initiative. It includes the progress made by the industry in those areas and the Commission’s next steps in relation to this work. The report also features input and challenge from Experts by Experience.
The proposed changes to the Licence Codes and Conditions of Practice (LCCP) are aimed at focusing operators’ attention on making gambling fairer, safer and crime free when transacting with high value customers.
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Last updated: 19 August 2021
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