Corporate Governance Framework
Our corporate governance framework sets out the necessary responsibilities and procedures that guarantee we operate properly.
5 - The Gambling Commission Board
5.1. The Board should ensure that effective arrangements are in place to provide assurance on risk management, governance and internal control. The Board is expected to assure itself of the effectiveness of the internal control and risk management systems.
5.2. The Board must set up an Audit Committee chaired by a Commissioner. The Audit Committee should support the Board and Accounting Officer by providing advice and assurance on risk management, governance and internal control.
5.3. Where the Board does not consider issues relating to staff remuneration itself, it shall ensure that an effective mechanism for such consideration exists, for example a remuneration committee or similar body performing the same purpose.
5.4. The Board is specifically responsible for:
- ensuring that the Gambling Commission fulfils its statutory objectives and duties set out in its founding legislation and taking into account any guidance issued by and/or objectives agreed with the Secretary of State within the resources framework, through the setting of GC fee levels and agreeing the budget for NL regulation
- determining the steps necessary to deal with any developments which are likely to affect the Gambling Commission's ability to fulfil its aims and objectives and keeping the responsible DCMS Minister informed if any such developments arise
- ensuring that any statutory or administrative requirements for the use of public funds are complied with; that the Board operates within the limits of its statutory authority, within the resources framework determined by the Secretary of State and any delegated authority agreed with the sponsor department, and in accordance with any other conditions relating to the use of public funds; and that, in reaching decisions, the Board takes into account guidance issued by the sponsor department
- ensuring that the Board receives and reviews regular financial information concerning the management of the Gambling Commission; is informed in a timely manner about any concerns about the activities of the Gambling Commission; and provides positive assurance to the Department that appropriate action has been taken on such concerns
- demonstrating high standards of corporate governance at all times, including using its Audit Committee to help the Board to address key financial and other risks
- appointing, with the Secretary of State's consent as to terms and conditions of employment, a chief executive and, in consultation with the Department, set remuneration terms linked to performance against objectives for the chief executive
- ensuring that any public functions of the Gambling Commission are carried out in compliance with statutory duties.
Last updated: 27 February 2023
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