Corporate Governance Framework
Our corporate governance framework sets out the necessary responsibilities and procedures that guarantee we operate properly.
4 - Management information
4.1. The management information that the Department expects the Gambling Commission to provide in the course of a 12 month period. These may be subject to change depending on future information requirements.
What | How | Purpose |
Grant-in-Aid requests | Via Finance Partnership | Webpage To get the ALB's latest forecast income and expenditure for reporting to Board and HM Treasury. |
Consultancy return (including nil returns) | By e-mail to DCMS Procurement and Commercial Team | To enable Cabinet Office to keep track of the number of public sector consultancy contracts. |
Cash management figures within GBS accounts | By e-mail to Finance | To supply HM Treasury with forecast for cash management inside GBS. |
Spend over 25,000 | On the Gambling Commission website | Transparency: to inform public how public money is spent. |
What | How | Purpose |
Key metrics (total procurement spend, spend with SMEs and the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector) | By e-mail to DCMS Procurement and Commercial Team | Benchmarking of procurement spend and provision of data on economic effect of spend by Departments and ALBs. |
Exchequer funds held in commercial bank accounts | By e-mail to Finance | To supply HM Treasury with details of how much government funding is held outside GBS. |
Medium Term Financial Model returns | By e-mail to Finance | To get the ALB's latest capital profiles for internal management and reporting to Finance Committee. |
What | How | Purpose |
Publication of senior salaries and organograms | On the Gambling Commission's website or hosted on DCMS website | Transparency: to inform public how public money is spent |
What | How | Purpose |
Alignment/WGA | Alignment consolidation packs, WGA transactions and balances exercise | Alignment: to consolidate the ALB's resource accounts within the DCMS resource accounts WGA: to gather counter-party details for consolidation. |
Sustainability data | By e-mail to Finance and DCMS Sustainability Champion | To meet HM Treasury requirement to supply centre with sustainability data. |
EU public procurement statutory return (Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 as appropriate) | By e-mail to Cabinet Office | Legal requirement to provide data on number of tenders advertised in the European Journal. |
Country and Regional analysis data | By e-mail to Finance (Mid-August) | HM Treasury requirement - feeds into the Core Tables for the Annual Report and Accounts. |
Annual report and accounts | By email to Finance as per timetable (separate guidance is issued on this) | Statutory obligation. |
Pay Remit and pay remit outturn | By e-mail to ALB Team | To ensure spend on pay is aligned across Government. |
Publication of salaries over £150,000 | By e-mail to ALB Team (for publication on Cabinet Office website) | Transparency: to inform public how public money is spent. |
Sharing of Strategic Risk Register as per paragraph 13.1 of the Governance framework | At annual performance meeting | Enable timely and appropriate response to risk. |
Efficiency return | Pro-forma | To demonstrate savings and how these savings have been recycled back into frontline services. |
What | Timescale | How | Purpose |
Completion and updating of e-Pims database | Ad hoc immediate as required | Directly into e-Pims TM system | To ensure accurate property and estate information is maintained at all times. |
Sharing of audit strategy, periodic audit plans and annual audit report, including the Head of Internal Audit's opinion on risk management, control and governance | On request | With Finance and Head of, on request | Assurance of financial management. |
Last updated: 27 February 2023
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