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Corporate Governance Framework

Our corporate governance framework sets out the necessary responsibilities and procedures that guarantee we operate properly.

  1. Contents
  2. 4 - Management information

4 - Management information

4.1. The management information that the Department expects the Gambling Commission to provide in the course of a 12 month period. These may be subject to change depending on future information requirements.



Management information DCMS expects the Gambling Commission to provide in a monthly period.
What How Purpose
Grant-in-Aid requests Via Finance Partnership Webpage To get the ALB's latest forecast income and expenditure for reporting to Board and HM Treasury.
Consultancy return (including nil returns) By e-mail to DCMS Procurement and Commercial Team To enable Cabinet Office to keep track of the number of public sector consultancy contracts.
Cash management figures within GBS accounts By e-mail to Finance To supply HM Treasury with forecast for cash management inside GBS.
Spend over 25,000 On the Gambling Commission website Transparency: to inform public how public money is spent.


Management information DCMS expects the Gambling Commission to provide in a quarterly period.
What How Purpose
Key metrics (total procurement spend, spend with SMEs and the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector) By e-mail to DCMS Procurement and Commercial Team Benchmarking of procurement spend and provision of data on economic effect of spend by Departments and ALBs.
Exchequer funds held in commercial bank accounts By e-mail to Finance To supply HM Treasury with details of how much government funding is held outside GBS.
Medium Term Financial Model returns By e-mail to Finance To get the ALB's latest capital profiles for internal management and reporting to Finance Committee.


Management information DCMS expects the Gambling Commission to provide in a six-monthly period
What How Purpose
Publication of senior salaries and organograms On the Gambling Commission's website or hosted on DCMS website Transparency: to inform public how public money is spent


Management information DCMS expects the Gambling Commission to provide in an annual period.
What How Purpose
Alignment/WGA Alignment consolidation packs, WGA transactions and balances exercise Alignment: to consolidate the ALB's resource accounts within the DCMS resource accounts
WGA: to gather counter-party details for consolidation.
Sustainability data By e-mail to Finance and DCMS Sustainability Champion To meet HM Treasury requirement to supply centre with sustainability data.
EU public procurement statutory return (Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 as appropriate) By e-mail to Cabinet Office Legal requirement to provide data on number of tenders advertised in the European Journal.
Country and Regional analysis data By e-mail to Finance (Mid-August) HM Treasury requirement - feeds into the Core Tables for the Annual Report and Accounts.
Annual report and accounts By email to Finance as per timetable (separate guidance is issued on this) Statutory obligation.
Pay Remit and pay remit outturn By e-mail to ALB Team To ensure spend on pay is aligned across Government.
Publication of salaries over £150,000 By e-mail to ALB Team (for publication on Cabinet Office website) Transparency: to inform public how public money is spent.
Sharing of Strategic Risk Register as per paragraph 13.1 of the Governance framework At annual performance meeting Enable timely and appropriate response to risk.
Efficiency return Pro-forma To demonstrate savings and how these savings have been recycled back into frontline services.


Management information DCMS expects the Gambling Commission to provide across all other periods.
What Timescale How Purpose
Completion and updating of e-Pims database Ad hoc immediate as required Directly into e-Pims TM system To ensure accurate property and estate information is maintained at all times.
Sharing of audit strategy, periodic audit plans and annual audit report, including the Head of Internal Audit's opinion on risk management, control and governance On request With Finance and Head of, on request Assurance of financial management.
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