Consultation response
Consultation on society lottery reform - responses
Consultation on society lottery reform - responses - April 2020
Final wording of new social responsibility code 4.3.3
The bold text highlights the changes from the code proposed in our consultation
Addition of social responsibility code 4.3.3
Lotteries – information to consumers
All lottery operating licences issued to non-commercial societies or local authorities and external lottery managers
1 Licensees must ensure that clear, transparent and easily accessible information is made available to consumers to enable them to make an informed choice prior to participating in a lottery. This must include but is not restricted to details of how proceeds are used and the likelihood of winning a prize and how prizes are allocated.
2 Licensees must take into account the Commission’s guidance on information to lottery players.
Final wording of amended licence condition 11
Last updated: 12 April 2021
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