Annual Report and Accounts 2021 to 2022
The Gambling Commission's 2021 to 2022 Annual Report and Accounts.
Directors’ report - Board of Commissioners
Marcus Boyle
Marcus was appointed Chair of the Gambling Commission in September 2021 for a term of five years.
Marcus has extensive change management experience across both public and private sector bodies.
He has been an equity partner for two leading global professional services firms including most recently at Deloitte, where he served as a Board Member, Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Operating Officer. He is a Trustee of the Serpentine Gallery and Chair of The Room Group Limited.
John Baillie
Chair of Audit and Risk Committee
John is a Chartered Accountant and a former partner of KPMG in Scotland and London.
He is a former chair of the Accounts Commission for Scotland, the Scottish local authority watchdog, and served two, three-year terms. He was also chair of Audit Scotland, the Scottish equivalent of the National Audit Office for several years, and a member of the Reporting Panel of the UK Competition and Markets Authority for nine years.
John was also a visiting professor of accountancy at the University of Edinburgh and has previously held similar appointments at other Scottish universities.
Stephen Cohen
Chair of National Lottery Competition Committee
Stephen has over 40 years’ experience in asset management, in Asia, Europe and the USA. He started his career with Mercury Asset Management and worked both as a portfolio manager and in business development.
Stephen is also on the board of the Health & Care Professions Council, a healthcare regulator, and is Chair of Audit for both the JPMorgan Japan Investment Trust plc and the Schroder UK Public Private Trust plc.
Stephen brings a global business perspective, deep experience of finance and financial services regulation, corporate governance, as well as board engagement, activism and fintech.
Trevor Pearce CBE QPM
Chair of National Lottery Committee, Remuneration Committee and Reset
Trevor Pearce has had a 40-year career in law enforcement.
Starting at Kent County Constabulary, he moved to national agencies becoming director general at both the National Crime Squad and Serious Organised Crime Agency.
More recently, Trevor has focussed on regulatory roles and risk management. He is chair of UK Anti-Doping and trustee of Canterbury Oast Trust, a charity providing residential services to adults with learning difficulties.
Trevor brings experience of running large complex organisations, dealing with international serious and organised crime, anti-money laundering, integrity and anti-corruption.
Catharine Seddon
Senior Independent Director
Catharine brings experience of regulation in a wide variety of sectors.
Catharine spent 20 years as a filmmaker before taking up public non-executive roles. She started as a graduate trainee producer with the BBC and specialised in high-end film documentaries, eventually setting up her own production company.
She became a magistrate in 2002 and left the media industry to take up a variety of other judicial roles within the tribunal service, and to join the Human Tissue Authority and sit on the Determinations Panel of the Pensions Regulator.
Catharine is currently deputy chair and Audit and Governance chair of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, as well as the senior independent director of the Legal Services Board. A senior tutor for the Civil Service College, she is also on the Board of the Children and Family Courts Advisory and Support Service.
Additionally, Catharine is a founding member of the Health Service Products Appeal tribunal and a trustee for special needs charity, CPotential.
Terry Babbs
Chair of Finance and Performance Committee
Terry has spent his executive career in both the private and public sectors – including with Tesco and a number of global supply chain management organisations.
Aside from his role at the Gambling Commission, Terry is also the Senior Independent Director at the General Dental Council, vice chair of the Investment Committee of Oxfam’s Enterprise Development Programme, and a non-executive director of HMRC’s Valuation Office Agency.
Carol Brady MBE
Carol began her career within trading standards and held roles in the former Department for Trade and Industry.
Her career has been focused on consumer protection and her previous roles have also included chairing the claims management regulation unit at the Ministry of Justice, chairing the Chartered Trading Standards Institute’s Board, acting as a senior ombudsman at the Legal Ombudsman, and as an independent advisory member at the Commission for Local Administration.
She is currently the Chair of Birmingham Assay Office and is also the owner and managing director of a consumer protection consultancy. Carol was awarded an MBE in 2016 in recognition of her services to consumers and better regulation. She is also a Fellow of the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI).
Brian Bannister
Currently the Global Head of External Communications for the Boston Consulting Group, Brian was previously Executive Director for Strategic Insight and Influence at The Law Society of England and Wales. He has also led global communications for KPMG and UK communications at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
Jo Hill
Jo was previously Executive Director of Strategy and Risk at The Pensions Regulator where she led on corporate strategy, risk management, data and analysis.
She was also previously Director of Market Intelligence, Data and Analysis at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and held a number of senior roles across the FCA, while also working in the banking and insurance sectors. Jo is also a Trustee of the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute and a non-executive director of the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority.
Register of disclosable interests
Board members completed their annual declarations of interest and are asked to declare any relevant interests in agenda items at the start of each board meeting and absent themselves from those discussions. No directorships or other significant interests were held by board members that may have conflicted with their management responsibilities.
Directors’ disclosure
As far as the directors are aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the auditors have not been made aware. All reasonable steps have been taken by the directors in order to make themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the auditors are aware of this information.
Public interest disclosure policy
The Commission has a public interest disclosure policy (whistleblowing) in place for the confidential reporting of unlawful conduct or malpractice.
The policy is readily available on the Commission website and People Portal for all employees to refer to, and reminders on the requirements of this policy, together with all aspects of the code of conduct are communicated regularly via internal communication methods.
All new Commission employees are required to confirm in writing that they have read the Code of Conduct, including the Public Interest Disclosure policy, as part of the induction programme.
The Commission’s Public Interest Disclosure Policy, alongside other policies, can be accessed online through our Corporate Governance Framework.
Fees and charges
The Commission aims to ensure that the costs incurred in delivering the organisation’s strategic objectives are recovered from the industry through application and licence fees set by the Secretary of State. We periodically review our costs to drive efficiency and value for money as well as review our approach to cost recovery via fees to see how it could be made more equitable.
Current application and licence fees range from £235 to £907,832 dependent on operator size and licence type. The Commission’s total income from fees and other sources was £20.18 million for the year (2020-21 £18.87 million). Further analysis of fees and charges is provided in the Performance Analysis section.
Andrew Rhodes
Chief Executive and Accounting Officer
19 July 2022
Last updated: 31 August 2022
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