Consultation response
Changes to licence conditions and codes of practice on the use of credit cards for gambling
Consultation response January 2020
Annex: new licence condition and deleted social responsibility code of practice
Addition of new licence condition 6.1.2 - use of credit cards
All non-remote general betting, pool betting and betting intermediary licences, and all remote licences (including ancillary remote betting and ancillary remote lottery licences) except gaming machine technical, gambling software and host licences.
1 Licensees must not accept payment for gambling by credit card. This includes payments to the licensee made by credit card through a money service business.
Removal of existing Social responsibility code provision 3.7.1 - Credit cards
All non-remote general betting licences (except where betting is offered under a 2005 Act casino premises licence), pool betting and betting intermediary and all remote licences, except gaming machine technical, gambling software, host, ancillary remote casino, ancillary remote bingo and remote betting intermediary (trading rooms only) licences.
1 Licensees who choose to accept credit cards must:
- accept payment by credit card for gambling only where that payment is made to a customer account
- make available for gambling, funds deposited via credit card only after the card issuer has approved the transaction.
Evaluation - Changes to licence conditions and codes of practice on the use of credit cards for gambling
Last updated: 9 April 2021
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