Blog posts
Blog posts from teams across the Gambling Commission.
Posts tagged Gambling
Industry co-creation workshop - evaluation of safer gambling products and processes
On 29 March the Commission’s Insight Team hosted a co-creation workshop in London.
23 May 2019 - Insight.
What motivates people to gamble?
We wanted to learn more about what motivates people to gamble and how gambling fits into their lives.
25 May 2021 - Communications.
Improving our statistics: Gambling participation and prevalence
Here at the Gambling Commission, we have reached a significant milestone in our project to improve the way we collect data on adult gambling participation and prevalence of those who experience difficulties or harms through their gambling.
24 May 2022 - Statistics and research.
Why take part in user research with us at the Gambling Commission
You may have heard about user research or you may have been asked to take part in a research session for the Gambling Commission. Here Scott McMullen, our User Research Lead, explains how research helps us create better services for people and also answers these questions.
12 May 2021 - Digital.
How gambling fits into people's lives
In this time of accelerated digital growth, the world we all live in is changing beyond all recognition.
15 July 2019 - Communications.
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