Industry co-creation workshop - evaluation of safer gambling products and processes
On 29 March the Commission’s Insight Team hosted a co-creation workshop in London.
Posted 23 May 2019 by communications
The co-creation workshop focused on:
- taking a step back and looking at safer gambling evaluation methodologies with a new focus
- understanding the operator challenges around the evaluation of safer gambling initiatives, products and processes
- learning about other industries’ best practice and sharing progress and learnings from ongoing initiatives
- co-creating a set of recommendations which can help you design and improve evaluation strategies.
Evaluation is one of the four key enablers of the National Strategy to Reduce Gambling Harms which was published on 25 April 2019. The evaluation workshop supported the Strategy’s aim to engage with a wide range of stakeholders, and provided an opportunity to consider different perspectives whilst looking at currently used evaluation techniques. It generated ideas on what works and can be applied to support the evolution of safer gambling processes.
Members of the Insight and Safer Gambling teams were joined by representatives from seven gambling operators, and experts from the NHS, British Standards Institutions (BSI), NATO and the Money and Pension Service. These experts provided valuable advice on evaluation processes (included in our accompanying overview*) and identified and discussed challenges which are commonly shared:
- Amy Lecomber (NATO) talked about the importance of understanding different methods and tailoring your evaluation to the project and available budget
- Matthew Chisambi (NHS) highlighted the benefits of framing the question you want to answer when designing your evaluation process. He also outlined the importance of proportionality of approach and the benefits of using quantitative and qualitative data
- Peter Bailey (The Money and Pension Service) raised the importance of a flexible approach and sharing what you have found with others
- Thomas Harrison (BSI) shared the view that evaluation should start from the ground up. By training and educating front line staff in how to document and share learnings from ongoing initiatives every business can build a bank of knowledge and share it with others.
The workshop explored a variety of evaluation methods which can be employed to maximise the use of resources, data analysis and reporting. The discussions also focused on the challenges around the design of evaluations. Other topics included; the importance of ensuring buy-in across the business, communication, prioritisation of safer gambling projects and the potential for building on collaboration on safer gambling initiatives. Finally, the group shared outcomes and learnings gained from individual operator trials.
For more information, you can read about our findings in our overview*. To get in touch and find out more about co-creation workshops please email cocreation@gamblingcommission.gov.uk (opens in new tab).
We will be following this up with a podcast where we will discuss the workshop in more detail.
To find out more about other projects we’ve been working on, you can follow these links:
Safer gambling research workshop blog
* Readers should note the above overview and its findings are for operators to consider in addition to the LCCP (1).