Frozen assets reporting 2019
09 September 2019
HM Treasury has launched its annual Frozen Assets Review on GOV.UK.
As in previous years, all individuals, organisations and businesses (including gambling operators) holding frozen assets will have until Friday 11 October 2019 to submit their report to the Treasury’s Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (opens in new tab) (OFSI). Reports should include the value of all such assets as of close of business on Monday 30 September 2019. If you do not hold frozen assets there is no need to submit a nil return to OFSI, except in cases where assets were reported last year and are no longer held.
The Gambling Commission recognises the importance of the Frozen Assets Review as a way to ensure financial sanctions remain an effective foreign policy and national security tool, and urges operators to make any relevant submissions in good time for the Friday 11 October 2019 deadline.
All completed reports for 2019’s Frozen Assets Review should be emailed to using the template on the GOV.UK website (opens in new tab).
Any queries should also be directed to
Last updated: 18 August 2021
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