Fourth National Lottery licence competition update: Final applications submitted
19 October 2021
The Gambling Commission has received four final applications for the Fourth National Lottery licence competition.
Since its launch in 1994, the National Lottery has raised more than £43 billion for good causes, transforming lives through its contribution to the arts, sports, heritage and communities. The Competition for the Fourth Licence launched in August 2020 and now moves into the final stage with four applicants submitting their applications for final evaluation. This is the highest number of final applications received since the first licence was awarded in 1994. The evaluation process will now begin, which will include a presentation by each of the applicants to the Gambling Commission facilitated by our lead adviser Rothschild & Co.
We aim to announce the Preferred Applicant in early 2022, with the fourth National Lottery licence expected to commence in early 2024.
John Tanner, Executive Director of 4NLC, said, “We are delighted by the final number of applications we have received, which is unprecedented since the start of the National Lottery. The Commission will now evaluate these applications in a clear and robust process. Our job is to run the best competition we possibly can – one that is open and fair and results in the best outcome for players and good causes. We look forward to appointing a licensee that will build on the National Lottery’s legacy and maximise the opportunities for innovation and creativity whilst protecting the special status of the National Lottery.”
Last updated: 19 October 2021
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